Frog♥'s experience ( All 0 )

Frog♥'s answer ( All 5 )

Edit: I realized I read it wrong please stop responding to this question it's Embarrassing I'm not lieing and I don't want attention I just fr thought toilet terrorist deleted their account because of this comment and I felt really bad   4 reply
10 02,2024
about question
Probably troll everyone lmao   reply
09 02,2024
about question
All animals are cute even the dangerous ones   3 reply
09 02,2024
about question
Bro I want to learn how to draw so bad   1 reply
09 02,2024
i want to know too   reply
09 02,2024

Frog♥'s question ( All 4 )

I'm really sorry about the post I made I didn't know it would become so serious I swear I was just joking when I made the hole mangago celebrity list thing I had no idea it would actually upset the people on the list so much I swear I didn't mean for toilet terrorist to delete their account or Stardust would literally take a break from mangago or another user to be so upset ( I'm not going to say there name because they got really upset at least I think anyway when I made another post about them wanting to be friends I'm really sorry about that btw I just thought you blocked me so I made a post) :(anyway I promise I'm not going to make a part 2 or whatever unless someone actually wants to be on the list and I really am sorry I feel really bad and it's been bothering me since last night but i wasn't going to saying anything and just let it pass but i seen a comment say toilet terrorist delete their account and i feel really bad rn I just wanted to make a joke :(
10 02,2024
Tbh I really want to be friends because they seem cool but ngl I'm kinda afraid after making that list and putting them on it and i know you're all probably thinking I'm overreacting but trust me bro if you seen they're message with [DELETED] you would understand like bro rost the fuck out of them I kinda feel bad for them but they're also low-key friendship goals
09 02,2024
What are you guys Wearing right now and if you don't feel comfortable showing what's your guys style then?
09 02,2024
Tbh I kinda just been chilling on this site and just decided to make a account because the ads were getting annoying af sooo I decided why not make my first post either make users traumatized or really happy lmao

OK first off we have the mangago gods:
toilet terrorist
They fr are EVERYWHERE like do you guys even get sleep or no? Now you probably wondering what makes them mangago gods...Because no matter what you recognize them even if there just mention in a message or a post and there so famous and LOVED on mangago if they even respond to you or follow you you become and feel so happy and cool af to the point you almost die of happiness ....Wall so the rumor says anyways so all I'm saying is be careful of there amazingness or you might just die

OK secondly we have the the big 3:

OK I know it looks random af but hear me out

Tbh I didn't really even know Erika existed Intel a few weeks ago when a question was asked about something and everybody answered Erika like everyone was fr after Erika lmao
But after that I started noticing her everywhere and honestly low-key she's iconic she fr has the potential to be a mangago God

Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays now tbh I noticed them for a little bit now because of wall...the name ofc and from what i can see they seem pretty cool and tbh I don't think they have the potential to be a mangago god BUT still very noticeable and VERY straight ofc

Now Stardust tbh not much to say just Oddly really noticeable like it's honestly weird how Noticeable they are even tho they Don't really do anything that out of the ordinary or weird they kinda give off the vibe of a 24 or 30 year old woman reading bl all day long as weird as it sounds

agree to disagree people:
suguru's toilet

Baekhyun's big purple buttplug


pansexual ★★★☆★


OK we got the people some people are going to either agree with me or disagree with me

Now I'm going yo make this fast because I'm tired bro

suguru's toilet honestly reminds me of toilet terrorist I honestly suspect they are secretary related

Baekhyun's big purple buttplug
Honestly it's the name for me

No. I see them around every once in a while but seems like a cool guy

pansexual ★★★☆★ tbh the only thing I can remember about them rn is their mangago name but it's just because I'm tired but i remember thinking they're funny or something

Now we got Ahhhhhh bro fr acting like it's a life or death situation if they don't get people to join their discord lmao

Famous for bad reasons:
Bitch I'm up

Bro I had to make a hole ass Category just for you like that drama was crazy tbh didn't really notice them Intel the drama but now I feel like I see them everywhere Especially talking to [DELETED]
Like bro give me the Secrets because I want to be friends with them too

Anyways do you agree with me? Or do you think someone doesn't deserve to be on this list OR you think someone should be on here but wasn't mentioned?
09 02,2024