i mean i knew we were flashing back -- but somehow i thought we flashed forward again and luke said "i should just die" and i thought to myself that that means he'll live and indeed he's in a hospital bed and i was sooo happy -- only to soon realize we're still in the flashback :0 just rip my heart out already
thank god yoshida's a (dressed alt.) wholesome boy -- i think he actually helped moved the main couple's relationship forward and comforted mc's insecurities about soma + soma's past relationship
booo on soma for setting things up like that (even if he knew it'd all work out cuz he knows yoshida well -- still boo)
homie, you broke your bf's heart because of this ex (literally said you loved him when you knew mc was falling in love) and now you're casually chatting + meeting with said ex without addressing mc's super big n valid insecurity regarding everything?? and then throwing mc into the mix with no prep -- not even a "i just wanted to make sure you came" talk when everyone first gathered -- nope, just let mc sit awkwardly in fear and anxiety for way too long of the meal
also yoshida didn't have to say "i think soma's easy to understand" the way he did right after mc said he's uncertain how soma feels...
^i get that everything was for the sake of the plot (author wants the flow to be more interesting -- same goes for soma not addressing the elephant in the restaurant) but jeez it makes the characters a lil less likeable -- is there really no way to write intesting (momentary) tension without making the characters slight assholes
up to chapter 68 spoilers
personally i think the new attractive eunuch + shi sui (bug loving maid) + sui rei (lady that faked her death) all kinda look alike and might be related
seems pretty apparent that the author is setting shi sui to play a big role since she's so oddly knowledgable about things as well + seems to have a murky background
maybe their people are slowing infultrating the palace and seem to be after jinshi's life
to eat everything, not help with chores, borrow money immediately, all on top of not even saying sorry or thank you for paying off the debt?
where were you when our sweet boy sohan needed family? you bitch
family went out the door when you did