Can someone pls tell me what the title of this story is?
It's completed and it's about to childhood best friends where one is a model and the other is normal and they download this app which makes them do like tasks until the progress bar is full and they get rewarded for doing the tasks I think, there's another model who bumps into the normal guy and bcus of the app he kisses him
There was this bl which is omegaverse I'm pretty sure and the main storyline is that that the ml is like a teacher on hairdressing in like a uni or college idk and his best friends brother is interested in hairdressing as well and he has big man boobs and he's a bit tan and when they first meet I think his best friends brother shoves like shoves his head into his man boobs (?) and I remember the last chapter i read was where like the best friends brother apologised for it with a gift bag but he put his pheromones on the item in the bag but the ml doesn't know his best friends brother is an omega so he thinks those are his friends pheremones
WHY DO AUTHORS ALWAYS DO THISS if u want a flipping age gap why do u choose to do it when one is a litteral child like I'm actually getting mad u could've just made it that they liked each other when they're older or IDK ANYTHING ELSE R U CRAZY
Its very clear this author has some flipping issues cus no way they wrote this and thought yeah this about to be a banger WTFF don't get me angry