You just hated someone cuz the man you like doted on her more and dedicated to working songs just for his sister. They're siblings which means they're family. Of course MC will prioritize his family since he couldn't do that before. For her to be insecure just cuz she's seeing how he's been doting on his sister screams insecurity. At least sister tried to grow more when she felt insecure towards her. But her? Totally opposite.

Right? Its actually super creepy. She is sqying that he was "stolen" from her, byt girl, he wasnt yours? He weote you like ONE song and she started acting all possesive.
He revealed he has other priorities, like, i dunno, his Actual FAMILY, over some random girl who sings good, but ultimately he doesnt really know, and Goyou went off the deep end.
Girl is one bad day from decided nothing can be "stolen" from her if she juat kills eceryone the mc knows, and going on a yandere murder spree

MC is apathetic towards OG cuz he has a good life unlike OG. OG basically has to know he's weak can't do anything and would die. Even his father abandoned him when he begged not to. He was basically neglected which results to his twisted personality. MC being apathetic is somewhat not unnatural as he was living a good life and was even doing well with his games. So him not thinking of anything else but himself. I feel bad for OG since growing up I also was neglected and wanted recognition which I never achieved and I started to be more like MC. Apathetic when I see my parents suffering.

Fr reading MC's attitude towards OG was really painful, especially as someone who has been sick before. It's absurd that the maids refused to give food to a sick person "in protest." Even doctors don't do that, no matter how difficult a patient is. The neglect from his dad and the attitude of those around him clearly contributed to his aggressive personality. He's not inherently trash, just extremely aggressive because he doesn’t know how to deal with his sadness. Being scolded for being naturally weak? That's laughable. His dad is clearly uneducated and a muscle-brain. It was his dad who taught him that showing weakness was unacceptable, and to be aggressive instead, like fighting and that’s exactly what he’s doing,, he’s just a child learning from his environment. And let’s not forget his own insane brother summoning the dark forces.

That's also what I think, but his good excuse of having a good life is stupid. I though the OG kyle and the new kyle has merge and the OG kyle's memories and emotion were transmitted to the new kyle, but his turning a blind eye from what the father had done. The new kyle or MC is the biggest idiot in this family affair thinking he has the right to easily forgive the father when the one who was truly hurt was the OG kyle.

Yeah like honestly if I was him. I'd be more like "Ah. Look at this. Now that Kyle has some use they wanna acknowledge him now? Where were you when he was suffering ? Why didn't you encourage him instead belittle him for having an illness he never asked to have. Treating him as if he's not in so much pain. How would that ever feel if I make you suffer the pain he has been through. How pathetic could they get. Let me use them instead" like this'll be how I would do it. Unfortunately, MC just thinks that his illness wasn't an excuse for being a trouble maker. Which honestly I was very angry about. Like dude? Imagine hearing your incompetence everyday?
This story is about a teenage boy who was asked to be a husband for the sake of stopping harassment yet for some reason decided to like the adult cuz "She treats me kindly" (like most teenage boys actually do irl). Now now don't be disappointed because you see comments saying this is grooming. Definitely teleiophilia not grooming. This is a good read for people that wants to see how he pursue an adult woman who clearly only sees him as a child. Also be open minded when reading this since the setting is dated for long time ago scenario where a guy is already adult by age 16 and 21 for female.
Isn't there people who like younger men /women even in modern times and likes older women/man?? I'm pretty sure the part that they don't like is the fact that they got married when the boy was still 16 which is where the timeline comes in and that's like legal age alrdy during that timeline. It was normal to marry young in older times -, -
A you kidding? Who is teleophil in this story? FL who doesn't see ML as a man even when he is 20 y.o? And what is so weird about a younger guy chasing after mature woman if he finds her beautiful and attractive? Or do you really think he should have considered her as "mother" only because she is much older? She didn't raise him. He was 15 y o teenager, not a little kid who needs mommy, when they met. I am really appalled by comments like yours.