your lord's gumbo followed question about question

So I'm in dire need of money and I want to know the actual legal way. And not going to some app and it will give me money for using it. I don't trust that shit. Is there an actual and safe way to make money? Cuz even if I search on YouTube or pinterest I'm afraid of the wrong information and idk who to ask. And I'm not looking for getting into soc......

26 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

I'm genuinely curious on your answers

26 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about healthy convo

What old webcomics that y'all remembered to be good ended up being trash upon a reread? For me it's Caste heaven and Ten Count.

26 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

What's something you regret reading/watching and why? Was it maybe to boring or problematic? For me I can't really think of anything right off the back but I'm just curious about everybody else!

23 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

what’s an anime you love but can’t recommend to anyone? for me it’s monogatari, i love the animation but the series is so confusing, there are also a lot of weird moments. because of that i have a hard time recommending it to friends who r into more mainstream stuff. i also don’t rlly recc kill la kill but mainly cuz of the fan-service ano......

17 04,2024

I'm on an animated mv binge after rewatching some Vivinos and Qmeng videos. Share some of your favorite mvs and animators.

17 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about video games

Till x ivan...i'm traumatised beyond repair. I just want yall to hit me up with your thoughts.let's hurt together

17 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed a list

I can read these mangas many times! I rate them >9.5/10 based on my own preferences, so there will be lots of non-mainstream BL
Genres: NO PWP, no doujinshi
Length: <100 chapters or 3 vols
Search by tags:
If you like this list, please click "RECOMMEND". Thank you XD
2nd list:
(If 1st list is full, i'll move older ones to my 2nd list)
Long series:

16 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about porn and masturbation

Are there any other medical students here?

16 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

I personally hate it. I hate pecks on the cheeks most of the time aswell, like why does it have to be so wet? I put up with it from family but I would start bawling if a non family member did it. Like bro please keep your slobber away from me

14 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about discord server

Hello everyone! If you are 17+ you should definitely think about joining the mangago-ers discord server! You can meet some mgg mutals there and chit chat about life or bl! We are also having a movie night in 1 hour from now so (9 PM GMT/2 pm PST) We are still deciding on what movie to watch so come and argue ......

13 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

I stalk other users for some fresh content since the main page isn't really doing anything for me rn which is why I stumbled on some random account. Anyway, I noticed that this user has had the account since 2014, I have to admire the dedication since that account is still active. I created mine a few months after the pandemic started, so just abou......

13 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed a goer

OTAKU/Fundanshi , guy who  love manga mostly sports ,thriller,horror,slice of life,BL,yuri,adult,Seinen,josei & few shoujo with good plot...& can't handle cheating in stories.,shota ,loli shits.. it makes me want to puke..
Tragedies are a big no for me i avoid them mostly .. but am very good with killing & 
gore stuffs
for seme .. i like them devoted type the 
for uke  .. crybaby ones , clingy ones aka doormat uke's are a big no for me..

  I  am a picky reader , i drop stories when they become unbearable 

Fake people & pests stay away,its cost lot to call people from pest control...
I particularly dislike fakeness & nosy 
strangers.. & meaningless drama with 
Often people who criticize your life are the same people.Who do not know what price you have paid to get where you are now. ...
 "KARMA IS INEVITABLE" .....she will bite 
you back at correct time & return the
 favor with interest....
if you need help to find a particular manga feel free to drop by & ask .. :-)
My words of wisdom for newcomers - " A yaoi a day keeps the doctor away "

i called annoying characters as  annoying bitches irrespective of their gender .. why do you people & people like your kind like to assume so much .. no hating female chars here .. only hating annoying charas

I am usually more active during the weekends
thanks to user @Zoey Zoey Zoey she made me realized that there will always be people who would hate you for no reason don't bother with them .."you know who you are you know your true worth " just don't bother with them they are non existent & tell yourself how good you are "

Fav quotes - " Live & let live "
- " A psycho pig is my stalker "
- " Ghost's aren't the only one's that runs wild in the graveyards"
-" Granny just stop being a jealous BITCH"
-" KARMA is a bad BITCH"

- " Everyone is like a moon , no matter 
how many scars they get long as 
they live their will definitely comes a time 
when they shine"

PLEASE DON'T COPY MY LISTS ..use your own brain
TROLLS ARE SUCH SAD PEOPLE ,, i pray to god to plz help them)
Cinderella-plot •(())• Financial gap •(())• Royalties 2

  Older ✹░║║░✹ Uke  2

Dark/tan ✹░░✹ seme/uke 2

HOMO Yakuza breaking some Police men ass 2

Omegaverse 3░[]░

 Shape-shifter(░░)Animal-trait part 2

Rare Supernatural ✹..✹ Sci-fi BL2

୧✹((.••.))✹ No twists no turns only fluff 2✹((.••.))✹୨

Idols/AV actor .•((•..•))•.actors/Models 2

Manly-Uke 2 •..•

10 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

  The mangas  included are hetero & gay relationships which gets more exposure in these stories

 Straight(seme) X gay(uke) - 
 Straight(uke) X gay(seme) - 
 Gay only 4 u (Hetero X Hetero) - 
 Both gay (seme X uke) - 

How to FUCK a Straight Guy 2


• ✹║░║✹ •••• ✹║░║✹ •

10 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

  The mangas  included are hetero & gay relationships which gets more exposure in these stories

 Straight(seme) X gay(uke) - 
 Straight(uke) X gay(seme) - 
 Gay only 4 u (Hetero X Hetero) - 
 Both gay (seme X uke) - 

How to FUCK a Straight Guy 2


• ✹║░║✹ •••• ✹║░║✹ •

10 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

(I asked this elsewhere yesterday but think this is probably a better place for it lol) I used the 'top manga' feature where it gives you the top current works, and the top from a random date. I got February of 2011 and forgot how good so many of these older series are! This site seems a lot more active now than in the past so I wonder if we could......

10 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

You fucking cowards. I'm sorry you're parents didn't show you enough love growing up but that doesn't give you the right to make burner accounts and tell people to kill themselves in private messages. I might have not agreed with UNO's recent post either but people on this website take it too far. You're such a pathetic loser if you're taking tim......

06 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about question

Minor Spoiler for Pygmalion . . . . . . . . . . A while back someone asked who the bottom was in Pygmalion. I told them there isn't a "bottom" because they're a switch couple. They responded with "fuck you" and blocked me and deleted their comment before I could even react. I still don't know why they were so mad. Do they hate switches that much? ......

04 04,2024
your lord's gumbo followed question about try to progress in life

they pull out your mangago reading history and profile what do you do?

04 04,2024