The ring design was so super top secret that Adeline couldn't use just anyone to deliver it but then we have the fl just screaming about it and showing it in the middle of the street. Like bro. Come on. Do better.
That he's actually evil and not just some brainwashed 2nd ML who we'll have to feel sad for! Now I can enjoy them as an evil couple and hate their guts
Dude the ML literally can't feel any emotions and still he's nicer to the FL than most dukes of the North. FL is so lovable and her craziness never feels forced she's great
Is there a second ML? I'm trying to avoid any love triangle stories Janekeane
Nah at least there doesn't seem to be at this point. The FL is ALL IN on the ML. He is all she cares about so I don't think a triangle would ever happen. Ofc the author might try to insert someone later for drama but I don't see the FL caring about anyone else
Why am I crying