Hi, translator here. As you’ve noticed, bots are taking my translations and posting them here. Like I’ve mentioned, I don’t really have a problem with it, but I wanted everyone to be aware.
If you have any questions or concerns about my translations, feel free to message me. I’m not very active on here, so it may take awhile.
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Enjoy the story!
I think the main problem that a lot of people in the comments have is that they came into this manhwa with the wrong mindset. Of course, it might not have been their fault, but if you started this thinking you would get a nice romantic story with a side of action, then you need to understand that this isn't it. Like look at the tags, there is no romance tag there.
You need to read this knowing that the point is to show a story of what happens when a psychopath/monster develops an obsession with someone, and how they maybe become a little more human (because as we can see at the moment he is so clearly not).
Of course I can understand people hating Ilay for his actions, I think that's the way he was written: to be hated, but if people are hating on the manhwa or calling the writing trashy for simply doing what it set out to do, then they need to reconsider what they're looking for and just go find a different manhwa instead of projecting their morals on a character who clearly has none. Now, don't get me get wrong, I obviously do not condone his actions, but we're reading this for entertainment not to some grand lesson or takeaway. And I also understand this story is not everybody's cup of tea, and those people should walk away and choose something else but not shit on a story and tell everyone it's awful simply because they don't enjoy it.
Personally, I think these kinds of stories can be fascinating, and I think the manhwa does a pretty good job at depicting things, and the writing and storytelling is consistent and well thought out.
And I know a lot of people are probably going to dislike me for saying this, and that's fine, but I feel like this needed to be said.
TL;DR: PASSION is not supposed to be a romance, so stop treating it like one. Ilay is not a regular human being, so stop expecting him to be one. And just because you're not enjoying the story, doesn't necessarily mean it's a garbage work.
Note: I'm not a psychology expert or anything so please forgive me if I used terms incorrectly.
I read this over on b a t o, and this user: https://mto.to/u/1188470-rose_flags/comments has a lot of good comments that give insight on Ilay and Taeui's characters if anyone's interested
right like its been established from the start that the male lead is fucked up in the head and its not gonna be a fluffy wholesome bl but still they complain 100 chapters in
Exactly! From the very beginning, it’s been made very clear that he’s Rick Riegrow, the psycho killer from the Europe branch, what did people expect him to do?
Exactly and well said. Have you read 'The Beast Must Die'?
i enjoyed that one sm! im kinda obsessed with the whole "not a normal person" x normal person troupe bc of that one
Thank you! And no I have not, but I read the synopsis, and it definitely sounds intriguing. Do you recommend it?
I read it two years ago, I did like it a lot. It has a similar theme to this. The art isn't as elegant, but truthfully, from my memory, it was a more satisfying read than this one is overall. imo ofc :) See what you think:)
Thanks! Definitely checking that out.
I think I need to balance all the fluffy love goo I read with some psycho obsession/dominance.
But whatever, everyone has their guilty pleasures!
Thanks! I’ll make sure to read it when I have the time
Yes:) If you do read it, make sure to stick with it.. It gets more and more interesting, imo.. The first scenes may seem like some kind of typical yaoi, it's not. :)
I'm about 5 or so chapters in on "the beast must die," and it's starting off with a... a bang (come on, that pun was just laying right there! ). I like the use of the color shading and black & white over the panels to help set the moods.Thanks again for the recommendation.
Welcome!! yes, the pun was begging to be used. I am rereading right now, since I read it two years ago and now I recommended it, I thought I would reread with fresh eyes.