Caesar gave me the ick like i've read so much worse but he just isnt IT. everything was fine till he hit lee won and the unconscious rape for weeks literally which the other party was not even aware of to enjoy just NO. and he seems creepy with the face and barely there expressions.
I had zero expectations going in and now it's one of my fav mangas. It went from horny chapters to longing chaps to absolutely adorable fluff in the best way possible. I loved the little revelations they had about their relationship. So good.
This is so shitty plot wise but i can't for the life of me stop reading it lol.Usually like 90% I'd prefer a power bottom or someone who can actually speak for himself but this one just idk Maybe it's the art. Or hot smut scenes.
Lol right. I hope in 6 months it's either finished or at a pleasant stage for a change. Seth's been struggling from chap 1 I can't take it anymore. theoverthinker
I think shit about go downhill from here. This stupid father of his (also the miscommunication between these two) going to be the cause of their "breakup"
also lee won's character is wasted on this manhwa. that huge ass psycho dragged him to dust. the initial few chapters of him were so promising.