I was wondering if i was the only one really hating the whole omegaverse concept, the heats and mpreg concepts ?
I think it is so dumb... just seeing omegaverse in the tags i won't ever try to read it.
I tried some games ( omega vampire etc) read some manga but no, i really can't. Really, why ?
Someone explain me what is there to find in there ?

i used to reeeeally fucking hate it as a young teen. i still hate the mpreg thing(stupidest fucking idea to exist), but the other stuff is whatever now. im not crazy over it cus of the constant rape, and i guess thats what makes it not for everyone, but there's also which omegaverse manga/comics you read cus tbh some stories are actual crap. but even if you never do get into it, i respect that lmao. a lot of people eat that shit up even tho its kinda stupid lol

this has been asked like a million times. obviously not for everyone. you don't have to force yourself to see what's there in the AU that people like but you can't seem to see. this honestly feels like an excuse to shit on the omegaverse au rather than actually trying to open up to the genre and see the good side of it (because surely it can't be all bad, right?? nAHHHH). start slow if you're serious about wanting to know what's compelling about it. something with just pure fluff with no rape, or hell, a comedy piece that makes fun of the genre while also treating the topic with care.

At first I hated it too. But there are good omegaverses especially those that focus how much of a hell the omegaverse really is. Imagine a world where your pheromones dictates your actions. Yin reality it is hard to keep.order in such a world ruled by desire.
Well that's just me.
But yes there are also a lot of shit omegaverse manga since most of these justify rape because of pheromones. And stuff.

Don't hate it but don't love it as much as i used to more i read the more i found problems, phermones gives an excuse for omegas to sluts/ pitiful victims & alphas to be rapist & Savages. the 'mates' / 'bond' thing makes the couple seem to forced. and the omegas are always too feminine and they're basically women with dicks & no chest.(obviously not all but majority)

So what is the good side of it i wonder ? why the need to turn males into women , i don't get the point. The rape etc points really bother me ( in a manga ) To be honest, i am not at all into fluffy stuff ( boring ). My first fav yaoi was ai no kusabi so ...
I don't need excuses to say it's shit, don't worry. My real question was : Why the need to turn some guys into animals and erase women from the stories ? do some people feel so insecure that unless the guy does not belong to the alpha ( he must be a thing surely ) they can't enjoy a love story ? ( or a sex story whatever )

err rape doesn't really bother me ( in manga ) i mean

It does have it's problems, to say the least. As if the only way to imagine a same-sex family, is to exclude the opposite sex from society, and have these A&O roles, which are mainly an excuse for rape. It would be better to see normal representation of same-sex families in places like Japan and South Korea, in manga and webtoons. As you also point out, part of erasing women in omegaverse, also means the "omega" takes that role, and is called bride, wife, mother, and even worse, he has all the sexist stereotypes of women projected on him, like a woman must be submissive to her man, madonna vs whore, goal is to have children and no education or career etc, it's odd that women write these stories, do they think it empowering to see a man, referred to as a woman, and being used as a sex slave?

Mpreg is just dumb in the vein of absurdity that gets to a point where you just take it for what it is and move on with your life. The Alpha/Omega/Beta and the "roles" involved I can't stand. All these "omegas" that are portrayed as helpless and needing an "alpha" to do things for them make my blood boil.

I knew this shit is gonna turn into a wankfest about how terrible omegaverses are. All these like-minded kids circle-jerking about how absurd a/o/b is. The fact that you're all stuck with the whole dumbass omegaverse stereotype with helpless omegas, horny alphas, and loooots of rape goes to show how all of you are lagging behind with the times.

But you can't deny that the majority of omegaverse depicts rape, and the other criticisms mentioned. Not all, obviously, but look at a recent webtoon depiction, love is an illusion, it has all of those negative tropes (not sure if lezhin has any more omegaverse). Even in "family" omegaverse, the omega will have usually faced hardship or discrimination, often sexual abuse too.

What, am I gonna be your personal google search now? Go find omegaverses yourself, for fuck's sake. There's like TONS of them without rape/discrimination out there all over the net. Omegaverse is not necessarily a genre found only in a manga/manhwa.

Your argument was MAJORITY of omegaverses and I replied with, "Nah, bitch. You need to read more omegaverses". You're generalizing the AU because all you've seen are a fuck ton of "rape normalisation/sexism". Sexism makes sense though considering that this shit was based off actual animal behavior, particularly with the wolves. The whole point is a hierarchy, but the whole 'rape normalization' is such bullshit, it makes me laugh that you think a lot of omegaverses are like that.

This genre is only problematic to you because you're basing the rules/society on OUR world when they're more inclined to follow animalistic behavior. Their nature is different from ours. You going off about how the omegaverse is shit is a losing battle, really. One of the compelling things about this genre is the battle between strong, natural instincts vs the very thing that separates us from animals. I enjoy omegaverse stories that battle against these urges, choosing mind over what their genetics tell them. Some people enjoy the caring part of the omegaverses, the pure, nurturing part-- or just the romanticism of having a fated partner, a soulmate.

Thank you! I thought I was alone. I've tried a few but I didn't like it either - mpreg, the heats, the literal rape most the time. I think if they use a beast-concept like Sex Pistols (is that proto-omegaverse?) it's "bear"able XD
But nah not for me. I don't get the appeal but to each their own
Y'know what's kinda an okay one? No actually 2 - Caste Hate and Sayonara Alpha. I'm still not into the genre but those two were interesting

GASP!!!!! did u just assume their gender!?!?!?!?! omegaverse has like 6???? or even more genders lol for them a guy with a uterus ain't a woman so it's not rly about making them female.

ofc SOME MANGA ARTISTS -side eyes a few- goes using shitty sex terms like "oh no you're making me a girl!!" blah blah blah lol that's THEIR thing. do u guys not read the text pamphlet thingy at the start of every omegaverse? like bruh the alpha females have dicks but they're still girls ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

the only sex pistols i know is the band lol im sorry. i thouht omegaverse was a thing from that american tv show, supernatural?? i mean i've been in that fandom before but when i was younger, mpreg/weird wolfy stuff weirded me out. OH HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED, im reading anime boi omegaverses and it's been over 13 years haha.

LOL, are you actually trying to argue that manga/manhwa interpretations of the omegaverse genre, don't normalise rape and are not heavily gendered imbalanced? Look, there are some omegaverse, which use the theme to show an alternative view of domestic, consenting family life, but sadly these are not the norm. I mentioned "Love is an illusion", because it's available on major English language platform, and is quite well k known, and yet even a modern, popular interpretation like that, basically consists of horror ie an omega being raped nearly every chapter, and then chained to his rapist, else he will die. Yes it shows same-sex marriage and child rearing, but the man is literally called mother/wife, and as a mother/wife figure he is submissive to his rapist Alpha, not good storytelling, sorry.

I feel so pleased to see some people get my points. Of course people are free to have their fetishes, but i was just wondering what was the point of reading yaoi if it is to read stories with males acting worse than women in bad shoujo manga. Girly uke and assimilated really irk me. If you like heats and such, read furry at least it makes sense ?
Some yaoi readers ( mainly girls it seems i don't know why) seems to really hate hetero relations ( what is ok in yaoi would be so shocking in a josei/ shoujo what a slut ! I think i will never get that point) so i was wondering if this was created by / for them.

I agree, people just lap up, the trend of calling male characters "wife" and in omegaverse "mother" does my head in, as not only is it erasing the representation of women, but is comes of homophobic by assuming "bottom is a substitute woman, and becomes an uke cliche that has all the submissive tropes" (if that makes sense). In omegaverse, we literally read "wifes" that get raped frequently by their husbands, and their goal in life is just to have kids, whether they want to or not. Not all omegaverse or yaoi is like this, but it's problematic to say the least, to have such sexist and criminal themes viewed as the norm, and doesn't create engaging story lines. "oh the omega has been raped... again" "oh the omega has been forced into sex work... again" "oh the omega becomes a stay at home parent... again" "oh the omega is bonded to his rapist.. again" "oh all the women are missing, but the omega man is called terms of womanhood...again". "oh the omega has to be 3ft taller and smaller, than the alpha character.. again".

I agree with you about the rules of society. Theses stories are about rules and structure for that society in each story, some do it well. The omega verse is just another way of telling a story. Sparta existed and was real.

*cough* There are very few omegaverse stories for furries compared to human omegaverse. There are only a hand full of furry mangaka and even fewer that are doing anything omegaverse related. Many of which tend to lean towards bara. Might be more omega+furry stories in the future, but for now the good ones are made outside of Japan.
Also, blueblack, if you're reading this. I like your levelheadedness and rationality when you were talking to an anon that was obviously looking for a fight. I applauded you! :)

How is heat a nice concept???
It’s pretty much someone making shit ton of pheromone(which makes his surrounding crazy) and lose control of his own actions. In yaois it always turns out to be used for rape, but even if it didnt, the heats doesnt seem a nice concept.
Maybe if it was nerfed and could be controlled by the omega, but so far heat = everyone lose control.

Well many omegaverse is about the poor life of an omega, how he was raped, and then how he finally meets his alpha. And its getting boring. First of all, the pheromones are way too powerful (the heat is especially too much). Then the *bond* where omega’s body cant have sex with anyone else??? And what if his alpha dies lol. I still enjoy omegaverse, but it has a lot of wasted potential.

Since I’ve read some of the more werepeople ones, it kinda makes sense in that context when they get heat cuz yknow they’re literally half animal and following instinct. But for non werepeople ones, it’s just weird to me. Bruh, you guys are full human and we humans don’t get heat like that. Either way it’s rape tho

Well fuck, I am old then. I’m aware of the band Sex Pistols and the Stand from JoJo. But there’s a yaoi manga/anime called Sex Pistols too
And wtf Supernatural? I didn’t know omegaverse got popular from fanfics of the show. I never saw the show. My friend was into it and he was into the broxbro fanfics

I read this a long time ago and can't remember the title nor the mangaka. It's about a schoolboy in love with his best friend but he is afraid to confess. One day he discovers he has the power to separate his soul and body and so went to spy his friend masturbate by the Window without being sawn. But at the end he noticed his friend had the same power and was doing the same thing. .. Thanks for the help !
I think it was a webtoon but i am not sure. Story is about a guy who is working and one day he discovers that his new superior ( or very important customer) is an old lover he breaked up with and this ex wants him back at any cost ( the first guy has a girlfriend or a spouse)
Sorry it's vague but any idea ?