Honestly, I felt a little sad about his ex. I completely understand he was jn the wrong and treated her badly and was using her to vent his frustration. But at the same time, she also was using him for "control" and pushed him into situations he didn't like, and I agree it was "manipulative", even if she didnt mean to be. She showed so much anger, which obviously she has every right to be, that I feel like she didn't really reflect on her actions too (not saying she owes him anything btw). Like, hopefully she also grew and won't treat her next lover the same? Relationships are about compromises, and putting not only herself but him in a situation he wasn't comfortable with *was* very selfish. Especially if she knew 1) how her peers saw him, 2) that he couldn't handle crowded areas, and 3) there would be a person there who constantly harassed both of them. It's kinda like she expected protection without the thought of protecting back? Sure, she really really needed to go to it to collect information, i just dont see how she thought it was going to be a good night I kinda hope we're able to see more jnto her and that she really is doing okay as well!
And then I was sad to learn that the red head and glasses were cousins only because I thought I was finally going to see Mr. Red genuinely care for someone! Even the "well you're cute" line had me like " he's going to show him how wrong his actions are. Mr. Red is going to grovel and grow!" But no lol.
I love the art style and the storyline, but she’s so fucking annoying. You’re telling me she went through 24 chapters, over 7 years of this exact same shit and she hasn’t fucking learned?? This is an unredeemable character at this point. Just divorce your husband and live in the damn forest if you can’t even rely on him.