I know I'll get a lot of hate for saying this and I dont give two fucks about the ppl coming here insulting me or whatever. I don't like the fact that the MC has one night stands. Never really liked characters who keep using their body to satisfy their desires instead of having a little bit of restrain. It really disgusts me to no point. Idk man, feels like they dont really respect themselves if anyone can use their body as they want. I also feel the same way with MLs or tops. Like plz sir keep your dick in your pants and go touch some grass. Ppl nowadays be okay with this shit and maybe its okay for you guys but it'll never be okay for me. Also I would like to add that despite it bothering me a lot I would never bother or insult someone about things like that in real life. I just wanted to rant a little bit to be honest I'll continue the manhwa and read the novel because it genuinely seems good but itll stay as an ick for me throughout the whole story.