i haate the weird transitions between the two couple's stories it's so out of place most of the time like in ch.181 the second couple were having sex the first half then it transitions to bai lijin and muxi's past like ? and i honestly skipped most of the scenes with the second couple lead lol i'd rather have it be focused on one couple for a chap instead of them fitting the two couples in one
am i the only one who doesnt want them to end up together
yes lol they are perfect together
yep you're the only one. Maybe you never tried giving second chances. They are perfect now. I mean this is also happening in real life. Ex lovers turn to lovers again. Maybe this time love won’t endლ(´ڡ`ლ)
And if you don’t want them then don’t read? Because, all we know the end is coming soon. I’ve been reading this manga since 2018 you know. And The cover never changes it’s been Miwa and Sae all along.
i can still read and like the manga regardless if i want the two to be together or not why r u acting like i talked smack abt them i'm js expressing my opinion
I’m expressing mine too. So you complain about them ending up together that is why i suggest you stop reading? I thought you don’t like them weird.
same it just feels ... wrong idk
where did i even complain girl bye ure getting ur panties in a twist over nothin!
To he fair, they started off bad. Neither one knew the other that well, on top of it being Miwa's first relationship and Seiko was just wanting to fool around until she fell in love. In the beginning, they weren't right for each other, but they didn't know each other so that was expected. I do think the end goal is for them to be together, but I don't believe it'll play out like it did the first time. They've both grown as people and they're much more mature relationship wise then they use to be. If they do end up back together, I think it'll work out because currently as they are, they wouldn't be a good fit for anyone else.
I can understand this completely, you'd prefer the friendship route? I didn't really have much leaning either way, no matter if the author chose romo or no romo endings it would've been thematically satisfying regardless, just because it was set up so well.
You are not the only one. But now I identify you as "SaexMiwa endgame" ENEMY. You need to be eliminated. LOL but kidding aside I respect your opinions. I hope you are sleeping well. Dont mind me if I visit in your dreams with knife. HAHAHAHA
Nahh man I get where ur coming from. Things went horribly the first time. I was actually rooting for tamaki sm. But imo after seeing them again now after being through sm, I feel like it’ll work now. We’ll see :/