Ogino, is a teacher who is being harassed by the students in her class. Ogino was an ideal teacher i...
- Author: itsuki tsutsui
- Genres: Shounen / Action / Romance / Crime / Shoujo Ai / Drama / School Life / Horror / Slice of Life / Mystery
This mans a hoe a dumbass hoe rot you bitchass hoe shouldve expected this cuz u a brotherfathermothersisterfuckering hoe
Eiri is the childhood friend we always spent time with. Someday I won't love her as a friend, but I'...
- Author: Murasakino
- Genres: Romance / Yuri
Tell me an incel pathetic male made this without telling me an incel pathetic male made this challenge easy
im scared IM SCARED THEYRE SO CUTE TOGETHER AND IK DAMN WELL IT WONT END WELL i need someone to suffer with me