Main character
- a girl that was kidnapped and sold as servant in the palace
- she's now working in the harem
- she originally lives in a redlight district
- her dad was a kind of like doctor but just gives medicine
- mc loves poison!
- she was now under a consort as a food poison tester
- she puts freckles in her face to avoid unnecessary trouble
Onegai shimasu
m( _ _ )m

Oooff I just freakin found it. Lol

Need some seme hot bods pic. Anyone has that album.??? gimme linkkkk

Not album but here does this suit your taste lmao --> https://www.google.com/search?q=super+hot+yaoi+seme&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-vbvMqf_aAhXK24MKHfh9DZwQ_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=y2LNRMykB-rMaM

Anyone remember a certain BL manga...
The genre is slice of life(i think)
They're already lovers and living together. They also have rabbit as a pet. It is a sweet story, full of love and food.

I think it's this.

anyone knows the title of the Manga. It's LevixEren dj where Levi is at work and is having Eren deficiency(lol) so he's frustrated and has bad mood then his boss(Hanji/Erwin can't remember) calls Eren to... you know.... help Levi.... hahaha

nvm.. I found it hahaha its in a different website lolol https://myreadingmanga.info/rockndolless-himemiko-miel-shingeki-no-kyojin-dj-eng/

To those who haven't read this yet and loves fluff.. your welcome...

Anyone can read jap. names?
Im into reading LN now and Im currently reading "It seems like I got reincarnated into the world of a Yandere Otome game."
I'd like to know character's appearance and I have the charcter list but I cant read japanese. Here it is:
I'D be grateful if u help me. Thanks in advance!

thanks! but knowing who's wolfgang and shade is enough for me. lolol. other characters has specific characteristics so more or less I identify them while I readxD thanks tho ♡
can I look for u if I have another jap l. names I need to clarify? ehehe~ I'm currently addicted to light novels but I lack in imagining character's face lolol
I was just reading this webtoon earlier and I lost it
It's about a woman, blonde-white hair who lost her child before of some evil people.
Then she has a sort of saint power which greatly help the ml.
She was also being confined(?) initially and she was saved by the ml.
In the current chapter, the queen(his mom) is trying to kill ML
Imma plant me here cause i wanna know too :)
i believe you're talking about this