Nini's feed

spoiler warning—

ML is the second prince.
main villain is the CP.
CP has always wanted FL(he never loved her, just wanted her as a trophy wife) but he knew she liked his brother so he had an agreement with FL’s father and his uncle, Novian(FL’s husband)
so the plan was for the CP to marry Doris but not have kids with her and when he took over the throne he would make FL his concubine and have a child with her.
so he would call FL his ‘woman/wife’ and Novian was just a stand-in.

she had been exchanging letters with ML for a long time and while ML was at war, Novian forged a letter asking for her hand which she thought was from the ML, so she said yes, thinking ‘this is the man i love’.
so ML couldn’t do anything against this bc he didn’t know what was happening.
she did fall in love with Novian during their marriage tho and he only married her bc CP told him to, but he also fell in love with her.
he couldn’t sleep with her due to her weak body so that’s why he was with Bleir.

Blair is FL’s older twin sister and that’s why they look exactly the same. she have blonde hair too but dyed it black.
don’t remember the reason she was abandoned but their nanny adopted her and made her live with her(nanny’s) relatives but they didn’t treat her well.
she met Novian at her work at the mine and that’s how it started. she saw the couple(FL and Novian) in the news and was shocked to see a look-a-like and confronted her mother about it.
the mother revealed that she wasn’t her real mom and that’s how Bleir felt anger and hatred towards her bio father who had abandoned her and thought it was unfair that FL got to live in luxury and be loved by everyone while she had to fight to live.
so she seduced Novian to try to steal him away but she fell in love with him and confessed, he kinda accepted it and one day she snuck into his manor to reveal their relationship to FL just to spite her and see her reaction.
that’s when she saw a glimpse of her and it changed everything.
FL looked sick and lonely and her life at the mansion wasn’t at all what Bleir had imagined.

she overheard Novian and CP talking.
they were going to make Bleir marry the count who owned the mine and Novian never planned to marry her(bc that’s what she thought would happen when FL died of her sickness) bc he cared about his reputation. he had requested to add a law where, if the husband were to die, the wife would get everything.(important to remember)
his excuse was bc he didn’t want FL to struggle in case he died before her.
so the situation would be like the CP and Novian’s case,
Novian having another wife will have Bleir as his mistress and she will get her husband’s mine bc he will mysteriously die.
ultimate making it CP’s mine bc Novian’s master is the CP.
yk the “everything you own, is mine” type shit.

she was creeped out over hearing CP excitingly talk about owning the mine and she felt betrayed and heartbroken by Novian cuz she thought they both loved each other and that FL deserved to have her place taken. all anger she felt disappeared. FL’s pale and fragile appearance haunted her in her dreams.
during Bleir’s wedding with the count she eavesdrops the CP and Novian’s conversation and while the husband shows little concern about FL dying, CP tells him to give up on her and “even after death, she’s still mine, got it?”

don’t remember much but she succeed to switch their souls before FL dies.

present time: it gets revealed that the reason FL was isolated and bullied at the grand duchy was bc the crown princess was jealous of her cuz she had a crush on the ML.

FL went to a ball trying to get Novian to give back the necklace but finds out the CP is wearing it so she follows him to his bedroom to see that no one’s there.
she accidentally stumbles over the empress painting and it reveals a hidden door which leads to a luxurious exhibition hall and there were glass coffins lined up.
she sees the CP in front of HER coffin with HER body in it and he’s touching the coffin while having a hard-on.
he gladly shows off his collection of dead women and reveals that he was the one who poisoned her.
“isn’t she more beautiful now when she’s dead?”
his hobby is to kill married women and have them as dolls.

at the end FL gets back her body and Bleir, who was in like a deep coma in FL’s body, returns to hers. both very much alive.