the translationā€™s kinda shat but i do enjoy the story

Nini created a topic of Sleepless Night

idk man, if i had a crush on a person and later found out all the shit they did while i was sleeping, pretty much every time, i would probably be disappointed and disgusted

Nini created a topic of Endless Divorce

my blood is boiling, iā€™m guessing he has to go through a lot of loops until he realizes itā€™s his fault?
iā€™ll let it cook

Nini created a topic of Leo To Mikazuki

this is giving 2010

why is the title ugly duckling when she was never ā€œuglyā€
like, itā€™s one thing if we as a reader think sheā€™s pretty but even the people in the manga knows sheā€™s pretty

Nini created a topic of Fxxking My Ex's New Lover

this is crazy i love

Nini created a topic of My Husband Is A White Snake


is the prince or the knight ml? i hope itā€™s the knight but the cover is telling me otherwise

the funny thing is, in the novel her period is late and itā€™s never been late before but sheā€™s like ā€œnah, it has to bc of the weather change and stressā€¦ right..ā€ and ā€œno way carlos was actually right when he was confident that i was pregnant after just one nightā€ LMAO
she also had a baby dream And felt sick bc of food

Nini created a topic of Avle

not the way itā€™s so messy that it need a whole chapter just to explain the plot

Nini created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

he said he just want to be friends but he seems mad in love with the mc, can someone explain why?
(i only read the newest chapters cuz iā€™m waiting till itā€™s finished or they start dating, but i also couldnā€™t wait pls no judge)

Nini created a topic of You Are So Cute

i guess the author really went authentic bc the aunt wanted to pair her daughter with ulysses even tho theyā€™re bio cousins and the bio mom wants to pair the bio brother with fl and she wants to get together with her brother.
personally i donā€™t care if mc is adopted and fall in love if they never saw each other as siblings, itā€™s like living with a childhood friend,
but itā€™s also bc i know the difference between reality and fiction bc if it was real life i would make a stinky face.
and the reason i called the author ā€˜authenticā€™(not sure iā€™m using it right) is cuz it did happen that there was incest in royal/noble families mostly to keep their bloodline ā€˜pureā€™ idk or that families adopted children for the purpose that they marry their child when they get older
anyway iā€™ll be dropping this because it kinda boring

usually i would be like, yeah theyā€™re always black haired but in this case, let the girlie have the duke heā€™s got long hair which is rare too(and heā€™s hella hot)

Nini created a topic of Pure Love Operation

for the love of god pls let the blondie be end game:(

she gets two daddies and both their last names.
the bio family loved her in both timelines but as we saw at the beginning, mcā€™ power were weak/drained, meaning azula got stronger and she used that power to break the dad and brothers minds to fully convince them they loved her.

letā€™s start from the beginning, why did the emperor marry the red headed woman if he loved mcā€™ mother?
he did say he was going to marry her but the nobles were against it so the read headed woman suggested he make her the empress and have the other one as a concubine (political marriage)
everything went well until mcā€™ mother heard from others that the man she loved and her best friend was sleeping together while she was pregnant.
what actually happened was that the emperor got drugged and woke up being accused of r-wording the red headed even though he donā€™t remember ever sleeping with her.
so obviously he felt very betrayed by his so called friend and canā€™t love azula(the child), knowing what happened.
thatā€™s why heā€™s suspicious about her birth and origin.
lucas(the brother) also donā€™t like her bc she is two-faced and paint him as the bad brother who makes his angelic sister cry just bc he doesnā€™t want to do whatever she want.
the reason the emperor canā€™t kick out the empress is bc her family is too strong and they have backup from other nobles and they also donā€™t have evidence enough to prove anything.

donā€™t remember when but at one point mc starts to commute between her two families and i think she calls the duke her dad and the emperor, father.

azula gets impatient and tries to trick mc to touch the brilliant(the sucking jewel) but it doesnā€™t work so instead she dumps oil on her and sets the room on fire.
luckily she gets saved by ML(white haired dragon boy)
and the emperor accuses the empress for deceiving him and that azula is not his daughter.
the empress then says that she had her newborn child switched and puts the blame entirely on her own daughter.

so azula gets put in prison and there she finds out the truth about her birth.