griffith is giving sasuke/natsume(gakuen alice) vibes
will the family finally know she’s the real yurika?
so from the summary, the mother abandoned him when he was a child to, take care of other children?
can i just ask the grandpa if he cuts his beard with a sword cuz wtf are the left over patches
how does a 12yo have so much flirting skills like Damn
WARNING if you decide to read this, the ML is Not the black haired guy
first time i read about someone having a fountain inside an ass
”he’s not my type..” at first i was like “bitch no need to side eye him i’ll beat you tf up”
and then i saw the cumstain and were “nvm i’ll let him beat me tf up..i would die on the spot ain no way
does anyone know where the story is going? saw a video on yt of the latest ch with the caption "she ran away pregnant to vampire" and now im so confused
LMAO i didn’t realize it’s the guy from lover boy until ch5
it’s been so long since i read the other story