If you could even call it that. He's still hasn't come to term with his feelings so all he's doing it's being a nuisance to Kim dan since he can't take rejection.
”he’s not my type..” at first i was like “bitch no need to side eye him i’ll beat you tf up” and then i saw the cumstain and were “nvm i’ll let him beat me tf up..i would die on the spot ain no way
does anyone know where the story is going? saw a video on yt of the latest ch with the caption "she ran away pregnant to vampire" and now im so confused
Oml i didn't realize at all!! And I've read lover boy! I even wrote that Jaeha annoyed the shit out of me because he constantly ran away from relationships lolol
It's been so long for me too. I don't even remember when I read it
its funny how hes so much like hyesung i love it