Zircedaman created a topic of Priapus

Man I used to eat this up as a young gay fr I do remember one where they were fighting gladiator style though.

Zircedaman created a topic of House Call Maid Service

Holy shit fluffy top AND beefy bottom!? That's new and so delightful top actually is careful too nice

I'm not a fan of twinkish bottoms but maple is so charming and hilarious I enjoyed this thoroughly. I initially skipped it too but there are tears in my eyes from laughing. Mable is damn unhinged and poor daisy takes it all in stride. Precious big boobed tanned skin beautiful daisy. His pride is stored in his tits

Zircedaman created a topic of Potato Trap

You mean to tell me I finally got a beautiful brown skinned buff as fuck bottom and ita dropped? My Roman empire fr

Omg I love the maid she's definitely my favorite character now

Zircedaman created a topic of Marry Me, Alpha

I've never stopped in the middle of a story but damn do they suck. Not even in the worst way they're just boring. Not to mention the chestnut hair guy is just shitty. Won't take no for an answer and just sucks. Black haired guy is indecisive and weak like bro your an alpha too stand up. It doesn't even feel like a/b/o just feels like two dudes with no chemistry but I'll try to finish it. I'm no quitter

Zircedaman created a topic of Glass Flower

Oh? A live-in wife? I'm here for it

Zircedaman created a topic of Aren't You My Type

I love myself a delusional buff babygirl

Zircedaman created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Oh no. OH NOOOO I don't trust this mf as far as I can probably throw him. I feel like this could go the route of him feeling like he's owed for working so hard to get them put of debt and doing something so awful or him being repentant and wanting his wife's happiness. I hope for the latter

We need more pussyfication yaoi there aren't enough for me. Love this author their art is so good even if the story is kinda shit and the people in them suck. It's hot

Zircedaman created a topic of Rakka no Alpha Ou

Blah blah blah men fucking but can we talk about Nadya? Does she need a husband? A wide? A dog? I can bark

Zircedaman created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I want them to be a 3p throuple so bad and I want that shy one to top long hair theyre all so...ahem. anyways I need it

As short as it is and as much as I want more this was funny as fuck

Zircedaman created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Their dynamic is really interesting. Doyoun needs someone to help and Jinju is the most helpless of all. That's why they work I think. That's where we see Do's desperation to have her. Someone who truly and utterly needs her. Needs her to feel good in a way she's never felt. Needs her to stay protected. Needs her care and love. There's a whole lotta dependence on Jinju's part that Do just naturally gravitates to. She's primed that way. I do love how little we still know about Do though. I'm still stuck on the fact that she knows how to spot fake camera and cops like what has she been through to develop those skills? Just how good is she at reading people and toeing the line between kindness and manipulation. On numerous occasions we see her bringing up consent and her warring thoughts on the vulnerability of situations in their intimacy. She knows herself very well but she also is very intuitive. She's by far one of the most interesting characters I've seen in a while.

Zircedaman created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Holy shit. I'm only 27 chaps In but I'm in deep. This is good as fuck. And Doyeon is stone cold holt shit she's hot. Puppy? More like Tibetan mastiff. When she caught the camera I was like damn ok but the cop? Fell to my damn knees in a Walmart. This story has such a strange energy around it and there are so many secrets and personality mysteries but I'm sat.

Zircedaman created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Yeah he's definitely never gonna bottom but hey. Lesbians. Love to see em

I love seeing a non villainized woman in bl it always rubs me the wrong way when they're just awful.

I hope this passes and the tan guy is the bottom he's too good not to be but that was quite...surprising to say the least. The blonde doing...allat. anyways the red cat and the blond are adorable

Zircedaman created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

Not him joking it in the cacoonussy. Cacussy if you will. But this pair and a stoic semester is my cup of tae and he's genuinely brownskinned the lighter part of his feet! Not just tan. I'm so ecstatic