MsEpic created a topic of I've Become A Crow

Poor Llewelyn, I was hoping he would get a redemption arc like in the novel. In the novel, Llewelyn while dying told someone (don't know who) to tell his brother that he was sorry and to make sure to protect him... He also silently apologized to his mother for not being a good little brother to his big brother.

I hope Mielle and her brother get reincarnated and become better people in their next lives. I feel kind of sorry for them and the death of her brother was over the top.

I bet Mielle and her brother were reincarnated their twin children without their memories of their previous lives. Just so the Gods can mess with them more.

MsEpic created a topic of Textbook of Revenge

I'm dropping this one, don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting back at those who wronged you but don't drag and hurt other innocent people in the process. Statutory rape of a girl in an adult body that's not yours, especially after your spiel of not wanting sensei to get in trouble for your actions. This guy deserved to be bullied if this is his true nature.