MsEpic March 2, 2021 10:56 am

Ugh, cliche plot, cliche villains, ML gets all the girls on the island while the rest of the Men are mobs ready to be killed. Hey here's an idea author. Why don't you hook up each girl with their own Man rather than have them be part of some harem like some bunch of sex objects he can choose?

MsEpic February 18, 2021 9:37 am

This is just too stupid, it's just a self-insert fanfiction, the MC is way too much of a Gary Stu. (Male Mary Sue) He's too handsome, has op skills, and barely even struggles, (Hell, even One Punch Man Has his struggles) he's very hypocritical and everything seems to go his way. He is also a major womanizing cheater who has like 20 girlfriends which as far as I know, don't seem to know that they're sharing the same guy and yet seem to share one collective brain cell as they are nothing more than one-dimensional sex objects that fall for the MC for shallow reasons.

    Booger February 20, 2021 11:55 pm

    I haven't ever read this yet and I'm crying over your comment

    。WintersAreCold。 February 21, 2021 8:31 am
    I haven't ever read this yet and I'm crying over your comment Booger

    Then save yourself from reading this trash.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Booger February 21, 2021 11:23 pm
    Then save yourself from reading this trash.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 。WintersAreCold。

    Yup... not reading it.
    It may be fine for some... but I'm cool

    Suecake February 22, 2021 9:05 am

    True, that’s why I dropped this manga it makes me just feel so sorry for those girls they have no clue at all that he as been having sex with like 100000 different girls

    MsEpic February 22, 2021 8:09 pm
    True, that’s why I dropped this manga it makes me just feel so sorry for those girls they have no clue at all that he as been having sex with like 100000 different girls Suecake

    Gees hope he's been using protection. No scratch that I hope he gets AIDS

MsEpic February 15, 2021 5:27 am

I don't care what anyone says, Gaspar is tons cuter than the Duke what his name. I mean the Duke is nice and all but not very interesting to me Sorry, I have a penchant for hot bad guys. Even someone as evil as Gaspar I do wish he changes his ways for the better I hope at the end he finds peace, love and moves on.

    vxnusaud February 15, 2021 6:06 am

    vxnusaud February 15, 2021 6:06 am

    ChuYang February 15, 2021 8:06 am

    Sorry but Gaspar isn't a hot bad guy. He's actually the mediocre one when compared to the Duke.

    MsEpic February 15, 2021 9:10 am
    Sorry but Gaspar isn't a hot bad guy. He's actually the mediocre one when compared to the Duke. ChuYang

    Don't get me wrong, I'm talking about looks, personally wise Gaspar is dogshit, sorry but to me, the duke's looks are okay at best. I just find Gaspar cuter, it's just my opinion.

    dazai February 15, 2021 9:24 am

    for some reason i wanna reply and dont wanna reply, but ok its your opinion so dont mind me, i just had a shitty day(⌒▽⌒)

    Draquille February 15, 2021 8:00 pm
    for some reason i wanna reply and dont wanna reply, but ok its your opinion so dont mind me, i just had a shitty day(⌒▽⌒) dazai

    totally relate to this comment ... let's just respect each other's preferences like the rational ppl we are. and have a nice day y'all

MsEpic February 9, 2021 9:36 am

Just because the girls aren't "innocent" doesn't mean he has the high ground and morality on his side to do anything he pleases just because it was done to him. The same way the girls are trash, he is now complete trash. While he had all rights to get revenge, his means of revenge are in no way justified. And Have ANY OF YOU forgotten that he brainwashed and raped the sword goddess who done him no wrong!!?? This guy should die a horrible death if he's already reached that level of having no qualms of raping innocent women just because their looks and skills strikes his fancy.

    rexmaster February 9, 2021 10:49 am

    well he did go insane from the drugs and the torture so you can't expect him to have anything near normal morals.

    The_Funky_Carno February 9, 2021 1:40 pm

    So you looking at a guys whose been drugged up, raped and abused for years on end, and tell me that he's sane and has normal morals?

    MsEpic February 9, 2021 8:48 pm
    So you looking at a guys whose been drugged up, raped and abused for years on end, and tell me that he's sane and has normal morals? The_Funky_Carno

    So you're saying it's ok to commit brainwash and rape even on innocent women if you've been through the same shit for years!! I understand that he's through hell but at the same time, he shouldn't be given a free pass to do whatever evil he wants. Someone either gets him the help he needs or put him out of his misery. HE IS the same trash as those fuckers.

    MsEpic February 9, 2021 8:50 pm
    well he did go insane from the drugs and the torture so you can't expect him to have anything near normal morals. rexmaster

    then he either gets the help he needs or put him out of his misery. HE IS the same trash as those fuckers

    The_Funky_Carno February 10, 2021 2:26 am
    So you're saying it's ok to commit brainwash and rape even on innocent women if you've been through the same shit for years!! I understand that he's through hell but at the same time, he shouldn't be given a fr... MsEpic

    Hey, calm yourself, i never said that he's in the right doing all of that shit, im just saying how do YOU expect him to be right in the head after years of torture. And again i repeat i am not looking to justify his actions.

    MsEpic February 10, 2021 4:36 am
    Hey, calm yourself, i never said that he's in the right doing all of that shit, im just saying how do YOU expect him to be right in the head after years of torture. And again i repeat i am not looking to justif... The_Funky_Carno

    you got a point. No I don't expect to be right in the head I guess just wish someone could set him straight

    Hako February 10, 2021 11:42 am
    you got a point. No I don't expect to be right in the head I guess just wish someone could set him straight MsEpic

    That would be great, actually. Some character development would be a nice break from all the other shit going on. Unfortunately, that's just wishful thinking coming from people who want to get something out of this series...

MsEpic January 18, 2021 4:16 am

I have no hatred for Lafilia, she an average real child who was thrust into the Nobel society. You all should redirect your hatred towards her mother. I find it disgusting how they dote on Ellen with love and affection yet treat Lafilia with indifference, and coldness, not once did they made her feel warm or welcome, like cold shoulder from everyone even the grandmother. And frankly, Ellen is a grown-ass woman who was a scientist in her previous life and maintain her memories and born from a spirit and hero. How is Lafilia suppose to compete with that? Honestly I just pity the poor girl.

    Manga_Addict January 18, 2021 11:27 am

    Well I understand abt ur saying.But she's not his child but is from extra marital affair of the mother. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭So so cliche setting

    COUNTDOWN123 January 18, 2021 11:37 am

    Mehh sorry, but still she's just not it. It cannot be an excuse...and also, in Ellen's case, sometimes people are born with doting parents/family. But if they don't have them, then that's not a reason to be such a B. Idk it's just seemed wrong to me

    COUNTDOWN123 January 18, 2021 11:41 am

    And I'm sorry, it's just my opinion... I'm not hating her or anything, but I just feel like it is wrong to be like that..the one I hate is her mother. I just can't with her-

    balmy17 January 18, 2021 11:42 am

    Yes finally who can understand.

    I don't understand why some comments despise the kid. She is kinda pitiful. Her parents are not worthy being called a parent. She tries so hard to gain approval from other people since no one cares at home. I would be mad if her upbringing changes her to become a nasty woman.

    TangerineDove January 18, 2021 2:56 pm

    This comment is a breath of fresh air. Like literally she is just a normal child in a terrible situation, and let’s be honest, our mc is pretty much a mary sue. I’m really hoping for a redemption arc where she becomes happy, I just feel so sorry for her.

MsEpic January 16, 2021 12:48 pm

This just another cliche shitty Korean drama set in a fantasy world. Where are her Editors? the Authors want to make the drama so badly, that they create these fodder characters that are only there to be evil, stupid, and jealous rivals just to show how the MC is soooo much better. The best example for me is Carmandy, at first, when she was introduced, she seemed like a dignified noble girl and didn't speak much even when her friends were talking crap. But then, for some reason, she went full retard. She became extremely childish and stupid all of a sudden, even though she wasn't like that at first.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a villain sympathizer, because villains are the spice that makes a great story, but all these Villains have no layers or depth in fact majority of the characters all completely one-dimensional and idiotic. I give this story a 4 out of 10 and that's being generous.

    Elil January 19, 2021 12:12 pm

    I think carmandy is inherently a good person and even clever. But her obsession with Ian just went way overboard and probably also scrambled her brain. After Ian cleared things up, she got over him Immediately and went back to her old self. I mean she's the first one who say through neras schemes and immediately saw nera for who she is. She is also ironically the one who's gonna send nera to her grave.

MsEpic January 7, 2021 5:15 pm

This really is a dumb cliche Korean drama set in a fantasy wold, handsome prince, every cute guys falls for her, and the villains and side characters are way too one dimensional. The Characters either love her like an idol or hate her due to jealousy and greed. There's no layers in any of them, just black and white, good or evil with no middle ground, and they have little to no character development save for the FL and ML.

Oh boy, the Author really don't want anyone to sympathize with the Villains. She made the villains one dimensional, over the top evil for no rhyme or reason other than to perpetuate the story, they also seem to get conveniently stupid and mean just when the plot needs them to be, and they behave so precisely that everything seems to fall into place for Iris and it ends up in her favor.

I really hate Nera, and the reason are obvious, but I also don't like Iris, I don't know why but Iris irks me. I can't help it, I just don't like her at all and I can't pinpoint why.

Maybe because she's a bit much of a Mary Sue.
(Serious question.)
If Iris is not a Mary sue.. Then tell me, What are her character flaws?
Other than being clumsy or Overly kind because those are over used traits for Mary Sues.

    DChain January 7, 2021 6:08 pm

    I thought I was the only one...I’ve been really disappointed how the characters don’t have developments and just conveniently there to do one purpose. I don’t know if people will agree to me but the story went down hill after the romance started. The ML’s secret group also really irritated me like wow everything falls into place with each individual in the group. Why can’t they have a problem where the group can’t solve the problem by themselves and have to recruit a new character (which Iris knew who will be great or just even a great person at the start). It’s just that we see familiar and one dimensional characters in every chapter that it makes so boring. I don’t know if anyone can understand but authors should mix in interesting problems not just common tropes that people are already tired of seeing...

    MsEpic January 8, 2021 12:00 pm

    Ikr like Anikkin coming from war should have pstd or something, or Howard confronts his demons and learns to deal with his issues.

MsEpic December 25, 2020 9:27 am

For the most part, this is how this webtoon is like for me.

https:// youtu .be/ YhrfhQbY0K8?t =63

Mary Sue. Close the gap to see the video.

MsEpic December 22, 2020 5:12 am

Sadly, Kate described the current radical SJW woke left perfectly, they only see what they want to see, and rather than judge people as individuals, they falsely labeled them all as a 'cist or a phobe even when they're minorities. While being blind to their own hypocrisy and bigotry. That fat lady obviously represents those radical SJW.

    Hattiert December 22, 2020 5:33 pm

    I was sure her name would be Karen.

    masticatious January 7, 2021 7:08 am

    I've seen anti SJW's and right wings mirror the same extreme rhetoric.

    Popcrazy January 7, 2021 7:16 am
    I've seen anti SJW's and right wings mirror the same extreme rhetoric. masticatious

    these days its hard to tell them apart...

MsEpic December 20, 2020 2:09 am

LOL Does anyone notice they are making fun of the SJWs here? A short fatty, Short black hair Lesbian, A black woman and a Mannish looking military woman, And all the Japanese girls are flawlessly Beautiful. Apparently, Japan hates the SJW PC culture as much as I do.

    SolracXV December 22, 2020 3:01 am

    not sure if it's actuallty like that, but that's an interesting perspective ( ̄∇ ̄")

    MsEpic December 22, 2020 3:14 am
    not sure if it's actuallty like that, but that's an interesting perspective ( ̄∇ ̄") SolracXV

    Take a good look at the Terrorist women. every single one of them looks like a diversity hire checklist.

    Hmm February 2, 2021 7:18 am
    Take a good look at the Terrorist women. every single one of them looks like a diversity hire checklist. MsEpic

    The white dude? Was a girl?

    I think you're just seeing stuff that isn't there my litte racist friend.

    MsEpic February 8, 2021 6:06 am
    The white dude? Was a girl?I think you're just seeing stuff that isn't there my litte racist friend. Hmm

    First off Im a classic liberal, a female, biracial and bisexual so i got nothing against diversity or gay community. I just hate the far-left sjws, lately they've become so damn toxic and bitch about every fu*king thing and try to cancel everything, that I'm sick of them. Second You do realize only women can posesse these peach powers right? Which leads me to believe you haven't really read the manga however if you are referring to man strap in the straight jacket then yes he is the only man in that group.

    Hmm February 8, 2021 4:25 pm
    First off Im a classic liberal, a female, biracial and bisexual so i got nothing against diversity or gay community. I just hate the far-left sjws, lately they've become so damn toxic and bitch about every fu*k... MsEpic

    " classic liberal " is just a code word for social conservative.

    And everyone knows that the SJWs are milk toast liberals( Clinton voters and "culture wars" ppl) not actual leftists( marxists, communists, socialists)

    No real lefty bothers with the nonsensical culture war, war against christmas or the new " cancel culture " bogey man.

    I only replied because I'm sick of right wingers hypothetically whining about politics in media by posting political speels like you did above.

    Why do you have to make everything political and "toxic"?

    Keep the culture wars and SJW bashing out of here if you could, please, thank you.

    Hmm February 8, 2021 4:27 pm
    " classic liberal " is just a code word for social conservative. And everyone knows that the SJWs are milk toast liberals( Clinton voters and "culture wars" ppl) not actual leftists( marxists, communists, soci... Hmm


    Forgive the typos....

    MsEpic February 9, 2021 5:48 am
    " classic liberal " is just a code word for social conservative. And everyone knows that the SJWs are milk toast liberals( Clinton voters and "culture wars" ppl) not actual leftists( marxists, communists, soci... Hmm

    LOL I just pointing out the obvious, don't get triggered snowflake

    MsEpic February 9, 2021 5:51 am
    Hypocritically. Forgive the typos.... Hmm

    but my apologies I should leave politics out of it.

    Hmm February 10, 2021 6:23 pm
    LOL I just pointing out the obvious, don't get triggered snowflake MsEpic

    You're projecting...
    I'm not the one so wound up by the "culture wars" that I made even manga comment sections political!

    Hmm February 10, 2021 6:24 pm
    but my apologies I should leave politics out of it. MsEpic

    Glad you understood! This is not a place for riling up nor recruiting people for political agendas. ^~^


    Akira February 15, 2021 9:27 pm
    The white dude? Was a girl?I think you're just seeing stuff that isn't there my litte racist friend. Hmm

    I didn't notice at first, bit they really are all women. The dude has boobs.

    Hmm February 16, 2021 7:19 pm
    I didn't notice at first, bit they really are all women. The dude has boobs. Akira

    Me too

    MsEpic February 17, 2021 5:43 am
    Me too Hmm

    told ya

    Hmm February 18, 2021 9:38 am
    told ya MsEpic

    It's them making fun of Americans ( Gaijin ).

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