MsEpic May 27, 2020 5:36 pm

Dinidini is right. Aside from Iris, all other characters are flat. No depths or character development. Good guys are unconditionally good and bad guys are just pure evil. This is becoming as boring as hell. No one is born evil they have to have a reason behind their evil behavior.
For example, Howard could've suffered from severe abuse from his childhood, maybe they have killed a maid who he loved like a second mother, and being taught that compassion is for the weak and being cruel is how to survive in the world, or maybe suffered sexual abuse shattering his innocence and became cold-hearted.
That could explain his drinking problem.
But no, there's nothing like that. All the evil characters are just plain evil without any reason other than being selfish and the same goes for the good guys they're good just because, reasons.
And that just makes it boring and makes it very painfully obvious they just fodder/mob characters used for a prop up the main characters.
I mean check out Demon Slayer, even DEMONS were shown backstories of their tragic past on how they became demons. That manga is awesome!

    MsEpic May 27, 2020 12:53 pm

    I make more sense if he was, or the very least been raise terribly by his parents, cause no baby is born evil. I not excusing what he's done but it gives us some explanation of why he turned out the way he did.
    I mean, do you think you would've turned out any better if you were raised by those assholes for parents? I humanize him because he is human, humanity as a whole is mostly spoiled, selfish, entitled, scumbags that think they can get away everything. In the real world they're currently called SJWs or woke idiots.

    Anyway, if the author only focuses on giving depths and development on just two characters, then I'm dropping this, it's getting boring as f*ck.

    Oliverjoy May 27, 2020 5:04 pm

    Honestly. One of the things that made anime a.m.manga stand out was because the villains were given so much character Anne back story and motivation we actually almost side with them..these isekai stories have all become one note

    Moe May 27, 2020 7:01 pm

    Omg so true...i dont hate this but the characters are pretty bland, like the main male lead didn’t stand out tht much for me until the recent chapter showing his sacrifice for her. The author did a good job at that part. The start was good but now its just lagging ( ̄へ ̄)I wouldn’t mind getting spoiled about the whole story too

    MsEpic May 27, 2020 7:42 pm
    Omg so true...i dont hate this but the characters are pretty bland, like the main male lead didn’t stand out tht much for me until the recent chapter showing his sacrifice for her. The author did a good job a... Moe

    Spoiler from what I know.

    The two mc became emperor and empress, the best in history, in fact, I have no doubt, Iris, used the smartphone to gain knowledge and revolutionize the country with modern-day amenities. And no one knows what happened to Nera, and Howard possibly they were either killed or exiled.

    Moe May 27, 2020 7:48 pm
    Spoiler from what I know...........................The two mc became emperor and empress, the best in history, in fact, I have no doubt, Iris, used the smartphone to gain knowledge and revolutionize the country... MsEpic

    Ooh thankuu for the spoiler (●'◡'●)ノ .

    Evergreen May 27, 2020 10:12 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    They don't have to spontaneously make him worthy of sympathy, just avoid being one-sided in his personality, humans are much more complex than this

MsEpic May 16, 2020 3:51 pm

It always baffles me how a lot of people are ok with murdering the professor and mutilating him, but not ok of having him raped. Sorry to break to you guys but murder is literally the pinnacle of evil acts, there's no coming back from it. At least with rape, you can still be alive and recover albeit traumatize possibly for life, but still alive and with enough professional help can live a normal life. I want proper justice for the professor not rape or murder as punishment. But in a way, for him to feel remorse for what he done.

    Evankhell May 16, 2020 4:03 pm

    They're the definition of hypocrites and social justice keyboard warrior.

    captain_en May 16, 2020 4:25 pm

    you see the thing is, when it's rape, you live through the torture, you literally LIVE ON with that kind of trauma embedded into your very bones to the point where you might think you're better off dead, where as murder is just quick and simple, despite being the pinnacle of evil.

    torture is more cruel, because it will MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE DEAD. so murder is weirdly tame in comparison to rape

    amimie May 16, 2020 6:30 pm

    Why even thinking about that... he's a fictional character :')

    bloosomz May 16, 2020 7:10 pm

    murder rlly isnt the pinacle of evil. its alot faster. rape makes u wish u were dead, but u arent ur just living through that pain. theres so much worse things that could happen than just death

    MsEpic May 16, 2020 7:38 pm
    you see the thing is, when it's rape, you live through the torture, you literally LIVE ON with that kind of trauma embedded into your very bones to the point where you might think you're better off dead, where... captain_en

    Not if there's internal hell's fire waiting for you. Believe me, you're better off staying alive.

    captain_en May 17, 2020 9:53 am
    Not if there's internal hell's fire waiting for you. Believe me, you're better off staying alive. MsEpic

    we are solely discussing which form of torture is more cruel, religious aspects shouldn't effect that.

    captain_en May 17, 2020 9:53 am
    murder rlly isnt the pinacle of evil. its alot faster. rape makes u wish u were dead, but u arent ur just living through that pain. theres so much worse things that could happen than just death bloosomz


    Evankhell May 17, 2020 10:23 am
    murder rlly isnt the pinacle of evil. its alot faster. rape makes u wish u were dead, but u arent ur just living through that pain. theres so much worse things that could happen than just death bloosomz

    there's a reason why murder is the pinnacle of evil because not only you deny that people of opportunity to enjoy life and end their life without their Consent, but also take them away from the people they love and their loves one are left behind, it's not like rape when it affects one person when murder affect everyone around that victim. It;s really easy to see which crime is more heavy, just ask everyone you know, would they rather get rape or get kill.

    captain_en May 17, 2020 10:34 am
    there's a reason why murder is the pinnacle of evil because not only you deny that people of opportunity to enjoy life and end their life without their Consent, but also take them away from the people they love... Evankhell

    i rather not ask that to anyone i know because either crime shouldn't be held over each other, but rape is still higher in rank for bring more cruel. it might affect just one person the but the affect it has is thrice fold the affect murder will ever have. murder is just the act of killing, but there are crueller things which will make a person wish they were killed

    amimie May 17, 2020 11:05 am

    Wish being killed is still not killed.
    If there is life, there is still hope.
    After death there is no more hope left.

    Death is not really terrifying on itself though, killing a person is a crime worse than death.
    Torturing a person is a punishment worse than death in this life.

    Depends from which perspective. You're mixing it all up :')

    Ahiva May 17, 2020 11:11 am

    People, you are all scaring me...

    amimie May 17, 2020 11:15 am
    People, you are all scaring me... Ahiva

    Yeah, I too don't know how this conversation took this turn :p

    captain_en May 17, 2020 11:29 am

    it's just rare of such an opportunity to discuss such intriguing topic

    Ahiva May 17, 2020 2:55 pm
    it's just rare of such an opportunity to discuss such intriguing topic captain_en

    If people were mentally healthy it could actually be interesting...

MsEpic May 12, 2020 11:49 am

I had this weird-ass dream about Howard. Thinking about turning it into a fan-webcomic.

After Howard's beating. read the rest

The God of time and space, felt sorry for Iris and decided to deliver divine punish on Howard for his sins in the first timeline. He summoned Howard in dimensional divine space. Howard at first thought he was dreaming, drunk from the night before. He mouthed off to God and try pinching himself to wake up. Of course, God soon gave him proof he wasn’t dreaming by striking him with lighting. The immense pain let Howard know this was Definitely not a dream and Begged God for mercy because he knew he wasn’t good man.

God assured him he is not dead yet, but will give him divine punishment for his misdeeds. Howard ask what misdeed he had committed? “I know I’m no Saint but I don’t remember anything that warrants a divine punishment.”
Although Time-God didn’t tell him the whole detail of what he had done to Iris in the first time cycle, only that she has time-traveled back and he terribly Hurt her in the first timeline and devised a perfect punishment for his sins.
Howard was stunned and Flabbergasted, he tied to sway Time-God, by arguing that none of those events even happened yet, so technically he hasn’t harmed her.

Time-God told him that’s why this punishment is not that severe and it also doubles as a test to see if you can be redeemed.

Howard swallowed thickly and asked what will be his punishment? God smiled and said ‘Howard you’re going have a baby.
EEEH! Howard’s eyes were wide as saucers completely dumbfounded, he asked time-God what did he mean by that? Did he impregnate someone and can't remember?

Time-God answered No, YOU are going bare and birth to a child. Not just any child but Iris’s Child from the first timeline “As punishment, I’ve used my divine powers to transfer Iris’s baby from the first timeline to the second, by placing the baby inside of you.

Howard practically turned to stone upon hearing this. He argued that it is not possible, he’s a man, he can’t bear Children. Time-God told him nothing is impossible with him. Howard then retorted “In that case why not transfer the baby into Iris instead?
God replied “And have her ruin her girlish Figure. Not to mention the ridicule she’ll go through if she is found to be pregnant without a father? This is your punishment, not hers. Besides the transfer has already been done.” Howard’s face completely paled when he heard this.
Congratulations Howard”
That’s right, Howard have become pregnant with Iris’s baby. Howard fainted.

When Howard woke in his bed, he thought the whole thing had been a dream that is until the appearance of a baby winged white lion cub. His name was Adriel, he was cherubim a member of the second-order of the angels. Howard Freaked out and starts hitting the lion cub, Adriel transform into a giant fully grown adult lion and roared “Enough!” Adriel then explain it was all real and that he is indeed pregnant.

Adriel stated he is to serve as protector and monitor his pregnancy. He also warned harming the baby in any way will earn him a one-way ticket to hell.

Howard, in his now force sobriety, soon realized how terrible and awful his family truly is, and how awful he was and beginning to feel regrets, even go as far as apologizing to his servants.
He then decided to stay in seclusion in one of his family's summer homes.

At first Howard hated the idea of being pregnant as he is not allowed to eat, drink, or do anything that’ll harm the baby.

But Over time, he grew to love his unborn child, when he first listened to her heartbeat for the very first time, he felt an overwhelming warmth welling up in his heart. He couldn’t describe this feeling as he never felt anything like it before. But he welcomed it as if he finally found Something missing in his life, something worthwhile and full of purpose.
Howard began to change, as he learns what it really means to love someone other than yourself.

    IDREW AMTHON May 11, 2020 3:17 pm

    Wow that's like Howard 2.0 special addition

    MsEpic May 11, 2020 10:17 pm
    Wow that's like Howard 2.0 special addition IDREW AMTHON

    You think i should make it into a fan webcomic.

    Idrew Amthon May 12, 2020 2:02 am
    You think i should make it into a fan webcomic. MsEpic

    It sounds like a very intersting fan story! If you think it would be a good idea then I'd say go for it!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    MsEpic May 12, 2020 11:50 am
    It sounds like a very intersting fan story! If you think it would be a good idea then I'd say go for it!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Idrew Amthon

    I did a quick sketch of Howard and baby tell me if its good enough for a webcomic?

    Idrew Amthon May 12, 2020 12:58 pm
    I did a quick sketch of Howard and baby tell me if its good enough for a webcomic? MsEpic


MsEpic May 4, 2020 12:55 am

Any raws for this manga

MsEpic May 3, 2020 1:26 pm I drew a crying Ikuya let me know what you think?

MsEpic May 3, 2020 10:23 am

Ikuya's crying face

I was thinking of making a fan- (I'm a webtoon artist btw) about Ikuya encountering an Enigma Named Kazue who's fully aware of what kind of person Ikuya is and decides to violate him, traumatized and humiliated, Ikuya kept the incident to himself wanting to forget that it ever happened, however unknown to him he's become an omega.
Until Ikuya Experience his first heat Nearly gang raped only to be saved by the very Enigma who destroyed his Alphahood. (he is very possessive when it comes to his human sex toys) they mated because of his heat, he ran away the next morning, but not before beating the Egnima into unconsciousness while he slept cause he's a dick.
Three months later he found out to be pregnant and basically went through the five stages of grief practically wrecking everything in sight in his apartment before he broke down completely, sobbing as reality finally hit him that he's an omega, very thing he hates most.

At first, he wanted to get rid of it, erase all trace that he's an omega... but, when he heard his baby's heartbeat for the very first time, a strange yet surreal sensation of warmth started to well up inside of him... He doesn't how to describe this feeling, this sensation felt completely new to him. And yet, he welcomes it, like he finally found something missing in his life, something worthwhile, worth living for. He doesn't want to lose it. After much debating in his head, he decides to keep the baby.

What do you guys think? You can even revise it.

MsEpic May 3, 2020 4:44 am

I was thinking of making a fan-manga (I'm a webtoon artist btw) about Ikuya encountering an Enigma Named Kazue who's fully aware of what kind of person Ikuya is and decides to violate him, traumatized and humiliated, Ikuya kept the incident to himself wanting to forget that it ever happened, however unknown to him he's become an omega.
Until Ikuya Experience his first heat Nearly gang raped only to be saved by the very Enigma who destroyed his Alphahood. (he is very possessive when it comes to his human sex toys) they mated because of his heat, he ran away the next morning, but not before beating the Egnima into unconsciousness while he slept cause he's a dick.
Three months later he found out to be pregnant and basically went through the five stages of grief practically wrecking everything in sight in his apartment before he broke down completely, sobbing as reality finally hit him that he's an omega, very thing he hates most.

At first, he wanted to get rid of it, erase all trace that he's an omega... but, when he heard his baby's heartbeat for the very first time, a strange yet surreal sensation of warmth started to well up inside of him... He doesn't how to describe this feeling, this sensation felt completely new to him. And yet, he welcomes it, like he finally found something missing in his life, something worthwhile, worth living for. He doesn't want to lose it. After much debating in his head, he decides to keep the baby.

What do you guys think? You can even revise it.

    Tivona May 3, 2020 4:47 am

    I think it sounds interesting and i defiantly want to read it.

    SayerSong May 3, 2020 5:04 am

    Go for it!

    i make muffins May 3, 2020 5:19 am

    yeah i will totally read it just say when you will show it

    MsEpic May 3, 2020 5:52 am
    yeah i will totally read it just say when you will show it i make muffins

    Any ideas of what to do with Ikuya, besides the one I have up.

    i make muffins May 3, 2020 7:12 am
    Any ideas of what to do with Ikuya, besides the one I have up. MsEpic

    maybe he live a rest of his life being miserable and cant find a job because of his reputation being destroyed or like your story that a enigma voilates him and he now undersands the struggle of being omega and being a mom and cant find a job because
    being omega is hard

    MsEpic May 3, 2020 7:26 am
    I think it sounds interesting and i defiantly want to read it. Tivona

    Any ideas of what to do with Ikuya, besides the one I have up. I'm just pitching my own ideas

    MsEpic May 3, 2020 7:27 am
    Go for it! SayerSong

    Any ideas of what to do with Ikuya, besides the one I have up. I'm just pitching my own ideas

    SayerSong May 3, 2020 9:58 am

    Perhaps take it one step further in that, due to his sudden shift from Alpha to Omega, he is unable to have an abortion because it is too risky. Have that happen and him have to suffer a bit more and gradually learn to love the child inside himself rather than just a sudden 180 at the heartbeat.

    SayerSong May 3, 2020 10:06 am

    Also, he has to try to hide himself and the child from Enigma (because his “pride” refuses to see Enigma as a possible mate), and as such goes on the run where he REALLY learns first hand how badly Omegas are treated and how badly HE treated them. Perhaps even meeting a few that suffered at the hands of Alphas, but are there to help him and his child. Gradually he also becomes friends with them, as they even continue to aid him and stick by his side even after they find out the truth about him and his past, whereas his two alpha buddies had turned on him.

    MsEpic May 3, 2020 10:19 am
    Also, he has to try to hide himself and the child from Enigma (because his “pride” refuses to see Enigma as a possible mate), and as such goes on the run where he REALLY learns first hand how badly Omegas a... SayerSong

    Wanna see Ikuya's crying face?

    SayerSong May 3, 2020 10:38 am
    Wanna see Ikuya's crying face? MsEpic

    Kinda sorta, yeah.

    MsEpic May 3, 2020 10:50 am
    MsEpic May 3, 2020 1:24 pm
    MsEpic May 3, 2020 10:37 pm
    Kinda sorta, yeah. SayerSong

    What do you think is it webtoon material or what? I want to know if it's good enough

    SayerSong May 4, 2020 2:00 am
    What do you think is it webtoon material or what? I want to know if it's good enough MsEpic

    Yes. And if you are ever interested in collaborating on a webtoon, I have a great and detailed story line. Just that my art isn’t up to par atm.

    MsEpic May 4, 2020 2:44 am MsEpic

    Well when I do draw webtoon for others for commissions.

MsEpic May 3, 2020 1:13 am

I don't quite understand whats the fate of Ikuya? Is he gonna get arrested or what. I know he's out of the job.

    BluBunny May 3, 2020 1:21 am

    They basically said- if you even try to touch us or anyone in the company or family we will sue you and we have all the evidence to do it.
    But, they did a formal investigation/evaluation of the company in the first place. So any legal steps taken from there would be most likely done from federal level/government would be looking into it.
    And that is not including if Ikuya's father doesn't take any measures himself, such as permanently disowning his son or not siding with him when the legal consequences shit hits the fan for his son.

    Basically, he is fucked no matter what he does from this point.
    Attempting revenge will get him locked up.
    Attempting to hide or deny the evidence collected against him and his team will probably pull some hefty fines or loses.
    And his father is 10000% ashamed and will no doubt, not be looking at his son in the same light anymore.

    xxminixkittyx May 3, 2020 1:33 am

    Yep BluBunny pretty much summed it up nicely and since there are multiple victims, so the dude pretty much downing in all that for the rest of his life not only that but Hazuki have found the other guys who hurt Naoto and will be receiving the same punishment. I love it when karma bites the but of an @sswhole such a good story! :3

    MsEpic May 4, 2020 1:06 am
    They basically said- if you even try to touch us or anyone in the company or family we will sue you and we have all the evidence to do it. But, they did a formal investigation/evaluation of the company in the f... BluBunny Ikuyas crying face
    im thinking of making a fan webtoon about him, I already have a plot in mind. But I like to hear the ideas others have in store for him.

MsEpic April 26, 2020 12:22 am

As I'm reading this I Can't help wonder what happen to Yashiro the guy that trick her into debt?. Just curious did they force him to pay back the money through sexual means such as doing amateur gay porn movies? Or what?

MsEpic April 25, 2020 9:34 am

As I'm reading this I Can't help wonder what happen to Yushio the guy that trick her into debt?. Just curious did they force him to pay back the money through sexual means such as doing amateur gay porn movies? Or what?

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