In a world where carnivores are beasts, and herbivores are timid, Taejoon is a timid tiger who ends ...
- Author: Song baekryeong
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Animals / Fantasy / Romance Animals Fantasy Romance
L was a werewolf cursed to be unable to stay in one place for a long time. One day, he lost an arm f...
- Author: Dodam,Jonghu
- Genres: Yaoi / Long strip / Magic / Official colored / Web comic / Webtoons
- Author: _chut_,出途
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Age Gap / Demons Webtoons Age Gap Demons
Meet Leo, a stray cat who accidentally picks up an abandoned dog, Milky.To avoid a bad reputation fr...
- Author: Mongjji
- Genres: Webtoons / Fantasy / Yaoi
A special unit of soldiers and mercenaries with monstrous physical abilities. Despite his pretty fac...
- Author: Yp
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Violence / Anthology / Military / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Anthology Military Romance
Everyone has a set of principles that they live by. Whether this means to always say thank you or to...
- Author: SACHIMO
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Drama / Smut
- Author: Jinkennashi tarou
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Yaoi / Adult / Ecchi / Mature / Smut Japanese Manga
Today, captain Becker and co-pilot Choi will be responsible for the safety of all passengers en rout...
- Author: Choi namsae
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Drama / Webtoons Webtoons Webtoons Drama Webtoons
Baek Do-ha, ace of Kwangsoo University, has been focusing on a serial murder case called the 'R...
- Author: boseu , 보스
- Genres: Adult / Webtoons / Shounen Ai / Drama
Nagare loves boobs. And he gets his wish to be reincarnated in a world of boobs...except these are m...
- Author: Tsukiji nao
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Delinquents / Fantasy / Isekai / Reincarnation / School Life / Shounen ai Comedy Delinquents Fantasy Isekai Reincarnation School Life Shounen ai
A new, thicc employee has joined a sex toy company.Hyunseo, a virgin with inverted nipples, was give...
- Author: Saen
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Smut
In a world where gates open and monsters pour out,only a select few have the powerful powers of &quo...
- Author: 글, 그림
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Drama
Pairing: Hinata x Oikawa...
- Author: wakazuma kouen setsuei butai, takashima taku
- Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi
even tho this was tame af i'll also probably never see hinata top ever again bless this artist
Original WebtoonNote: Pre-relesed June 2021 in mrblue anthology With Your Tail, Yes!, it serialized ...
- Author: Gom Gaesyak
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Smut / Yaoi
"I would like to do something! Let's see our old photos!!" Lee Hyuk and In Seo who ha...
- Author: Yeoro, Sagold
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Comedy / Webtoons
"If you're still looking for a lover, what about me?"Ma Dong-jae, a gay who is only a...
- Author: Suma
- Genres: Comedy / Webtoons / Yaoi
Ángel, owner of Nuestra Casa and a stylish man who turns everyone around him on, loves and co...
- Author: FUROMAE Ari
- Genres: Yaoi
After getting a divorce, Jordyn slowly starts getting involved in the gay community with the help of...
- Author: Nansae
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons
only chapter 50