Whoever uploaded those last 2 chaps count your day mf, bc ur gonna find your place in hell real soon fuckwad, GET OUTTA MY FAVES. Brb gotta to bleach my fcken eyes
I wanted to read this for a while but before I start, can someone who has read this story in detail answer a questions of mine?
1. Does Cirrus get raped by tht old fcker pedo or does get SAd? I was raped as a 7 year old by someone older so I rlly need to know before I start.
2. Do they have relationships with other people? Is that explained?
3. Do they have sex in the story? I just rlly wanna avoid any chapters w high schoolers having the nasty (personal preference but I get icked out), I'll still read it just wanna skil the chapters that have it.
4. Are there love triangles in the story?
Thanks for any and all help!
Lmk where in the novel are the spice scenes??? Like is it in the sides, the special sides, in the main story?? Bc the novel rating is r-18 but everyone in the reviews is saying they didn't see any spice. Someone with knowledge pls lmk, I shall be forever grateful
Just here to sprinkle in the update that....
it's coming our way prolly in a couple weeks hehe
I'm wildly interestested in this story, like the plot goes HARDD and the relationship dynamics are a ten (as expected from the author of Love Gym which i can't recommend enough) so I was looking into whether they were gonna continue the story and apparently there's a full fledged version coming out??? But don't quote me on it, if it's untrue imma cry.
Some of y'all have a rlly hard time with basic human empathy and it rlly shows. Guys, not everyone has the same confrontational, boss-bitch, killing it type of personality. Some ppl are rlly timid and anxious all the type, which is sometimes exacerbated by the environment they grew up in and trauma.
I have a frnd whose uncle got shot and her parents had to travel back to her home country and live there for half of her grade TWELVE year. She has 4 younger siblings, was barely surviving and was in an AP program. She didn't tell any of us a single thing, just kept her mouth shut and lived on. She has never once complained about anything in front of me, even in her most frustrated and upset. She would be full on struggling, literally half dead on her feet every day, nodding off in class, getting out of school early, but every time we would ask, not a word. It's not because she's stupid or doesn't wanna be frnds w me or doesn't trust me, it's because that's just how her personality IS. She's just built like that, and she is the daughter of a multimillionaire, now imagine her personality in someone who is poor as shit, got beaten by his dad and left behind by his dad and is the sole protector of his mom who also used to get beat too, that's who Woowon is. He has had to deal with his circumstances and life with his type of personality since he was 5 years old.
Also, do y'all know what poverty does to you??? Do u have any idea how food security and abusive parents impacts you?? My dad grew up very poor, he used to tell his frnds he was gonna go home and eat salmon every single day, before walking around during lunch time. One of his best frnds after seeing the condition of his house told him that he can share his lunch but my dad didn't take it, because he was embarassed of his life. He studied econ and got an MBA but to this very day, he doesn't eat more than rice and egg bc he says that more than that would be gluttony and he loves eating plain egg bc he didn't have one until grade 5. He's a 60 year old man y'all, that's how long living in poverty for your childhood can impact you. No matter what u have in life, no matter how far you come, that shit is gonna stick to you until the very day u die. So no, Seo An suddenly striding into Woowon's life and offering him the world isn't gonna suddenly change his personality or his life circumstances.
Also before y'all come at me with the 'o well Seo An had a sad life' or 'I lived in/have seen people in poverty when I was younger' listen, not everyone reacts to things the same. It depends on your personality, life circumstances, etc etc. My sister can gut people with a couple words if she tries, within a matter of seconds. For me, I have had one frnd who used to raise their hand on me when I was in HIGH SCHOOL (yes around 17 years old) and I could not say a single word to anyone about what was happening, not my sister, not my parents, nobody, I just went along w it until uni and waited for us to be physically distant. If they saw me somewhere (god don't jinx me like tht) I'd prolly just do nothing or silently nod. Bc that's my personality. The expression of anxiety and depression in Seo An and Woowon is VERY different bc their personalities are very different. Where Woowon doesn't even tell his mom when something happens, Seo An, once he finds someone he loves he can inform them what's going on. Neither is wrong yall, it's just different.
Is there going to be a second male lead? Like a love triangle? And does he have sex with or get into a relationship with the other dude?
This is bl, specifically shounen ai, and it's apparently a very popular novel as well :))
4/10 man ( the 4 points are for having no SA, the top being unproblematic, and the queen)
TLDR; Usually love Moscareto's stories and characters but this one was NOT a vibe. MC had the personality of a wet paper towel and his character didn't have any dimensionality. ML was meh. Story was inconsistent and ideas fragmented, some parts were extremely realistic and others were unbelievable.
I wanted to like this so bad bc I love Moscareto and the art of this story is top, which is the only reason I read the whole thing, usually I drop midway if I don't like the story as much as I hated this one. Bc it's Moscareto I just kept praying it would get better but it just NEVER did
Like MC cries at every single thing, he didn't even feel 1 dimensional, he just felt invisible. I think I knew more about Jung's personality than I did the MCs. I get being emotional and traumatized but I thought that as the story progressed and he became more relaxed, slowly we would start seeing the layers in his personality but NOPE, how would we see any if there are none (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I don't hate pushover characters (sure I get annoyed at them but no hate), but this character was so annoying, he had no traits except crying and loving the prince ig. I don't NEED a strong bottom but at the very least they should have some personality . The queen who got introduced like in the last quarter of the story had more character than either of the characters and unfortunately was the only one I was rooting for. The ML had a 2D personality bc he showed some personality traits and explained the reasoning behind his actions throughout the story. Although his thoughts felt kinda fragmented in the middle (tbh I genuinely couldn't tell whether he trusted the MC or not until the whole thing with the queen) I thought that he was a typical green flag top, nothing special but hey if this story had a bottom who had an actual personality, it could've worked!
I couldn't understand the stuff about the omega shit, like is he an omega or NAH??? by the end of the story is he a normal person??? Like what is this storytelling!?!??!?! I was also extremely annoyed with how they had to make the treatment of the bottom and the comments directed towards him so realistic later on but they didn't do the same for the outcome of his circumstances. Like ok we all see what's happening to Markle rn right? U think ANYONE in a royal fam would sit still if someone with such a weak personality who had a panic attack on tv, is a man, and who has this type of background married the royal prince. Yall the public would be the LEAST of their worries, the prince would have been disowned and maybe bottom would've been murdered, if not by him then by his dad and bro. He's still a prince, doesnt matter whether he displays the traits. At least Megan and Harry had some type of dollars and fame to be able to leave, these two have jack. If you're gonna make the reporters comments and his treatment realistic, at least follow thru. Also why did the ML like the MC? I get why the MC would bc this is the first person who's acc treated him with respect since his captivity but why the ML. Honestly it seemed like the ML liked him from the beginning bc of how oddly their first meeting was portrayed but I still don't understand why. Ig it's bc of how innocent and clueless he is?? But why does he like this cluelessness and lack of knowledge sm??
Anyways, usually I don't write reviews but this story irritated me sm
Before I start reading this, I need anyone who has read this to answer a few questions of mine. If you have read it and can help, pls do:
How many ppl has the uke been graped by the start of the story and throughout the rest of the story?
Does uke get graped by other people, if so who and which chapters? Is the story like Pearl boy or it's contemporaries where the uke is constantly gang graped by secondary characters?
Until which chapter does the seme keep grading the uke?
Also does this story have a love triangle? Do the main characters have a romance with other characters thru the story?
Finally, is the story almost at its end?
THANK YOU to anyone who answers the questions sincerely :)) it seems like an interesting story with good character development but I hate shock and awe grape scenes so i just wanna be aware of what im going into.
Just completed the novel!!! it's the best novel for me fr... Can't wait for next chapters... It's coming soon right? Damn so excited!! I really really love this sm.
I haven't read this, but looking at the cover gave me flashbacks to countless years of reading Sterek fanfics. Time flies
Why was everyone falling in love with a child?? Like I'd understand if they were kids too but THEY WEREN'T? Japan.... please stop ╥﹏╥