I wanted to read this for a while but before I start, can someone who has read this story in detail answer a questions of mine?
1. Does Cirrus get raped by tht old fcker pedo or does get SAd? I was raped as a 7 year old by someone older so I rlly need to know before I start.
2. Do they have relationships with other people? Is that explained?
3. Do they have sex in the story? I just rlly wanna avoid any chapters w high schoolers having the nasty (personal preference but I get icked out), I'll still read it just wanna skil the chapters that have it.
4. Are there love triangles in the story?
Thanks for any and all help!
I can’t remember if it was rape but he does get sa by his teacher, you see it coming so you can skip over the chapter like I did.
No they don’t have any relationships with other people, if you mean romantically
No they don’t have sex, there are scenes of them being intimate though but it’s mainly kissing and stuff if I’m remembering correctly
No love triangles.
1. Cirrus is SAd once by his teacher when he was 10(?), no super detailed scenes though theres one panel that i hate but it isnt graphic. And skylar also has a bad experience with bullies, SA in the form of kissing he didnt consent to.
2. Neither of them date other people except in the past.
3. No sex in any eps, maybe implied in latest chaps when they are college age
4. I wouldn’t really call it a love triangle, since the only actual requited romance is between skylar and cirrus.
1) yes in ch 79. Skylar also gets raped in ch 35?? and definitely in ch 36 (its not shown but it IS insinuated)
2) No they don’t date anyone else in the story they only have friends and family
3) Nope they don’t. Things do get steamy but they only ever make out (hence the shounen ai tag)
4) This ones kinda difficult to answer but I would say there aren’t any
ok i went back and reread and def skip ch35 for sure, they did draw it to look like rape (i read those chaps so fast so i mustve misses it) but the main bully had said ‘do it in a way that doesnt show’ when referencing how he didnt want people to find out he was getting beaten up, so i had taken that to mean they took his clothes off to punch him but it probably was the other way. I wish they both hadny had to go through such traumatic shit reading stuff like this makes me want to murder anyone that hurts children :(
Whoever uploaded those last 2 chaps count your day mf, bc ur gonna find your place in hell real soon fuckwad, GET OUTTA MY FAVES. Brb gotta to bleach my fcken eyes