has idiot4idiot energy - or a fun wholesome friendship manga where not one single character has a thought in their brain

I was gonna recommend Pygmalion but looks like you've already read it
I like When a Killer Falls in Love. It's silly vibes, but with serious moments. I love Taeman. He's the best.
Punch Drunk Love and Honey Bear are also fun and nonserious reads. PDL is completed. Honey Bear is ongoing.

It’s Harada so not wholesome but I find both of these guys sooo idiotic lol

Does anyone know any fluffy manga like “ I Want to Spoil Ikurou-san” with a big intimidating guy who likes cute things despite his scary image?

Ughhhhh I want an update so badly. I actually upload it on b@ato as chapters come out, jsyk. It usually gets bot loaded to here eventually.
I know of a few with big/non-femme guys liking cute things but none are as good or unproblematic as Ikuro-san.
Kitto Oujisama ga Nante
Kimi ni Koisuru Hazu ga Nai
Reality lover

Does anyone know any mega toxic yuri that’s reminiscent of NBC Hannibal or Interview with A Murderer (I.e. being around each other makes them worse, mutual obsession, they’re perfect for each other in the worst ways possible, etc,) , but doesn’t fall into any common tropes like miscommunication or SA? I’m looking for some drama but like. Drama you wouldn’t want to touch with a 100 foot pole IRL

I haven’t read it in a while so maybe it doesn’t fit https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kill_me_now/

I wanna branch out into differnt things instead of ignoring the stuff that pops up on the front page all the time

Here's some manga that aren't that popular and have unique plots.

(Not sure what genres you like/don't like, so here's a variety! Warning: some contain dark themes/images)
Phantom Tales of the Night
Kings' Viking
Sunny (MATSUMOTO Taiyou)
Totsukuni no Shoujo
Clover (tetsuhiro Hirakawa)
Winter Woods
Nowhere Boy
20th Century Boys
Innocent (sakamoto Shinichi)
Isekai Shikkaku

Does anyone know any manga that focus on queer themes (specifically gender-queerness or sapphics) and ballet? I’ve got a friend who loves ballet and wants to get into manga but she doesn’t have an account here so I’m asking on her behalf - anything you think may be in this ballpark would be greatly appreciated!

This kinda has what ur looking for. I remember that the queer character in this does dance. But I read this a long time ago so I'm not 100% sure if it focuses on ballet or if it's stage drama. Anyways that character struggles with gender identity.

This one focuses on ballet mostly. It isn't really focused on queer themes but the main character dresses up as a girl bc he wants to dance with a guy. And they give off gay vibes ykwim but not really canon. They end up being w each other forever in the end tho

asking for a friend (that friend is me)

probably not exactly what you're looking for but it's a trove of BL trope jokes lol
Hello! How do you search tags here?
I click on any manga and scroll to the tags and click one and a search bar appears
Ok thank you!
There's also list tags https://www.mangago.zone/listtag/webtoon/