i'm so stressed my dudes there's no way they can have a happy ending TOGETHER
i hope sungho repents in jail or a mental hospital
and i hope dohyun gets admitted to a hospital too cuz he's broken
but i don't think staying together will help either of their mental states
but honestly with those gangster dudes looking for them i don't think they're going to get therapy once they're found lol they're probably just gonna kill sungho yikes
and then kill dohyun too probably because the guy partnered with the long haired guy doesn't seem to have an ounce of sympathy/empathy in his bones
sigh i just want dohyun to stop being held captive already tbh this stockholm syndrome thing is messing with my head

Possibly contains SPOILERS
They're all so edgy and for what. Haneul was acting all high and mighty like he could sneak around and get things done but it's been 45+ chapters and nothing has been done. Plus it turns out he was never sneaking around to begin with since they knew everything from the get go. It's not like he went to great lengths to hide information about himself either. He just transferred in and hoped no one would know? Really? Like what was he hoping to accomplish? What was his plan??
This is our protagonist? It's kinda embarrassing. I hope he has some other cards up his sleeve but it doesn't look like it. If this is really all he can do and for the rest of the story he's just gonna pathetically get toyed around with by the reading club and possibly his roommate... :/ oof... just oof...
Where is this story going cuz it's losing me.
Also, it's not that I'm getting impatient but in regards to the pacing of the story, it's unnecessary to have that long recap of the previous chapter in every chapter. The recap takes up like 25% of the chapter and since the ending gets repeated in the next chapter too it always feels like 50% of the chapter is a waste. I feel bad pointing it out because it's the creative liberty that the creator(s) is/are taking but all it does is emphasize how edgy and anime-character-that-turns-their-head-45-degrees-backwards-and-tilts-it-upwards-for-no-reason-to-look-at-you-over-their-shoulder each character is.
I do want to know what the deal is and get some answers. But the characters and the fact that it feels like it's dragging makes me think the pay off for the wait is not going to be worth it.
I wouldn't advise people not to read it. Read it but... Don't be at the edge of your seat.
man i love yuri but i would fail his vibe check so hard