Oh dear... Thank you everyone for your comments. Actually, the phrase "passion can't put food on the table" isn't entirely accurate. I've been in this industry for nearly 7 years, but I only worked on LM for a year and a half. I had substantial savings from my earlier career to support an extended break.
What I meant is that beyond passion, countless other emotions are involved in creating comics. Passion isn't the only ingredient – these conflicting feelings coexist and clash with it. Passion alone can't cancel out everything else.
From my initial contact with LM to officially taking it on, there were many obstacles. The fact it finally came together can only be described as fate.
My official role only covered storyboarding to line art, but I loved this novel so much that I voluntarily participated in other processes – scriptwriting, backgrounds, finalizing drafts – all unpaid extra work that consumed 2-3 days per chapter.
I thought I could handle it, but coordinating teams became overwhelming. After finishing my own work, I'd help others', then anxiously await public feedback. I had almost no breathing room – viewers of my live streams know I often pulled all-nighters. During the first few months, I'd go 2-3 days without sleep revising drafts. Approaching thirty after years of nonstop serialization without proper rest – even iron wears down.
I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. I've endured much criticism and held strong, but everyone has limits. I often forget I'm just an ordinary person... but I truly am.
Many unseen struggles occurred this past year and a half – things I can't and won't discuss. Giving up never comes from one specific reason but from accumulated burdens.
If I truly chased fame and profit, wouldn't I launch new works while I still have visibility? Why take a two-year break? Do I hate money?
"If things were perfect elsewhere, why would anyone come here?"
thanks for posting this ╥﹏╥ as sad as i am about little mushroom going on an indefinite hiatus, i wish her the best of luck with her other projects. chichi and the team's mental health comes before all! wishing her a great, restful, long 2 year break. i'll miss little mushroom with all my heart.
to all, please remember that financial support truly is important. that's unfortunately just the reality of things, especially in manhua. so many seemingly successful manhua get cancelled because it's very easy to pirate their chapters (even on cn side, not just here). even just one chapter goes a long way
Genuinely asking but how do mass uploaders (for example Jujucat or bloomingdale) manage to download so much manhwa?
I just recently got L*zhin acc and even buying one manhwa (for example Shutline that has 73 chapters) IS SO EXPENSIVE?
Respect for all the uploaders because this can't be profitable at all.
Which BL (finished or still ongoing) would you consider “a classic”?
Something that you feel everyone either read, heard about or should read?
"Aistu no daihonmei" I found it by accident it's been ongoing since the 2000s and is still ongoing it updates once a year twice if we're lucky and if we're unlucky once every 2 years.
The story is not smutty there are references and mentions to bdsm but all the story ever does is have dialogue elude to it but the most our lead does is prank and tease other. Like "he's such a sadist he just gave his boyfriend spicy chocolate even though he can't handle spicy food". Mention of one of our leads having underage sex with an adult woman + all the side couples are shit except for one set of parents.
It's really charming but only starts getting good at around Ch18 where the author just makes the main couple like each other's company, say "you're my boyfriend it's fine for me to want to spend time with you anf get jealous when other people flirt with you and I do love you" and repeatedly admit they care about one another which is boring on its own but the rest of the cast has this OHSHC level of zaniness and antics that contrasts wonderfully with our main couple's charms and them being the only "normal" ones. (example 1 :all the girls have a calligraphy competition to see who can sit with one of our leading men at heating fable but then it dissolves into chaos as they start sabotaging each others calligraphy meanwhile our main couple just sits together at the table before deciding to just leave and go on a date)(example 2: the entire school is covered in banana peels and anyone who trips and falls form the banana peel gets amnesia and the only way to reverse it is to slip on a banana peel again.). They're adorable and sweet and I'm suprised it's not that popular.
Coming back to this because whether you like it or not Killing Stalking is one of the most iconic and well known "BL" out there (not animated). people wanted to know what was going on here because of the controversy over the Fujoshis thinking it was a pure romance when it's a psychological horror (for some reason it reminds of the twilight fanbase with how the fans loved it but objectively shitshow of a romance)
Other contenders are BJ alex, full volume, Anti PT, Jinx basically all yaois that were trending or making waves in the fujoshi/fudanshi/BL/yaoi community for better or worse.
We can't forget iconic Yaoi anime like Yuri on ice and Sk8 the infinity.
Adding to killing stalking because it was probably a lot of readers introduction to korean manhwa because it was a "BL" that broke free from the yaoi community and was in anime/weeb/manga community for the controversy.
Another example of BL breaking through the yaoi sphere was yuri on ice as it toed the line between sports anime and ice skating anime so it introduced a lot of readers and viewers to yaoi and BL.
I gave this a fair shot because of all the hype, but honestly, it just feels flat. I keep waiting for something to stand out, but it's just not happening. 64 chapters and it's still plain.