i just realized that taejoo's name is actually 태정 (taejeong) lol

spoilers //
taejeong (the ex) began to dwell on his past relationship with yoon (mc). yoon had to participate in an interview with youngwoo and after a few professional questions, youngwoo began to question yoon about taejeong. yoon argued that the topic had nothing to do with work but youngwoo kept pressuring yoon and guilt-tripped him by saying that he has burdened taejeong a lot and taejeong suffered a lot because of him. theres a panel that showed the conversation was being recorded (for the professional purposes of the interview) and i hope taejeong will get to hear youngwoo guilt tripping yoon like that soon. then the next night, yoon was walking home and saw the love interest (honestly cant remember his name, the ceo guy) waiting by his home. cant really recall what they talked about but i think yoon told him that he needed some time and the guy was upset by that and started grabbing his arm & shouting. taejeong was also on the way home and heard the shouting so he approached them & saw yoon with that guy. taejeong got into an argument with that guy and eventually the guy got rly upset and told yoon "do whatever u want idc anymore" and yoon apologized but he walked away. and yoon went back to taejeong & taejeong asked who the guy was and if he was the person that was waiting for yoon before (flashback to the scene where yoon said "theres someone waiting for me") and taejeong felt sad when yoon said yes. there was a conversation about youngwoo but long story short, yoon apologized again and again to taejeong. when taejeong went home he looked at yoon's old camera and cried. the next day he went to youngwoo's house and cut to the chase: he broke up with youngwoo. youngwoo started crying and yelling and sobbing lol aaand all i can say is, yoon's relationship with the love interest guy is not going great and at the same time, taejeong is approaching yoon again. he helped yoon carry some of his stuff home and he was about to tell yoon that his relationship with youngwoo was over and i think he also almost wanted to tell yoon that he's still in love with him but ultimately he didn't say it. the chapter ends there for now ^^ its a brief explanation. hopefully this will be updated soon since there are like 43 chapters already in the raws.
note: taejeong = taejoo (mc's ex)
spoilers //
taejeong (the ex) began to dwell on his past relationship with yoon (mc). yoon had to participate in an interview with youngwoo and after a few professional questions, youngwoo began to question yoon about taejeong. yoon argued that the topic had nothing to do with work but youngwoo kept pressuring yoon and guilt-tripped him by saying that he has burdened taejeong a lot and taejeong suffered a lot because of him. theres a panel that showed the conversation was being recorded (for the professional purposes of the interview) and i hope taejeong will get to hear youngwoo guilt tripping yoon like that soon. then the next night, yoon was walking home and saw the love interest (honestly cant remember his name, the ceo guy) waiting by his home. cant really recall what they talked about but i think yoon told him that he needed some time and the guy was upset by that and started grabbing his arm & shouting. taejeong was also on the way home and heard the shouting so he approached them & saw yoon with that guy. taejeong got into an argument with that guy and eventually the guy got rly upset and told yoon "do whatever u want idc anymore" and yoon apologized but he walked away. and yoon went back to taejeong & taejeong asked who the guy was and if he was the person that was waiting for yoon before (flashback to the scene where yoon said "theres someone waiting for me") and taejeong felt sad when yoon said yes. there was a conversation about youngwoo but long story short, yoon apologized again and again to taejeong. when taejeong went home he looked at yoon's old camera and cried. the next day he went to youngwoo's house and cut to the chase: he broke up with youngwoo. youngwoo started crying and yelling and sobbing lol aaand all i can say is, yoon's relationship with the love interest guy is not going great and at the same time, taejeong is approaching yoon again. he helped yoon carry some of his stuff home and he was about to tell yoon that his relationship with youngwoo was over and i think he also almost wanted to tell yoon that he's still in love with him but ultimately he didn't say it. the chapter ends there for now ^^ its a brief explanation. hopefully this will be updated soon since there are like 43 chapters already in the raws.
Thank you |ω・)ㄘら♡
no problem (^O^☆♪)
OMG I think I'm gonna wait till the chapters when ML and MC got back together.
I don't hate the ex but it's kinda unpleasing to see him try to get back to MC again... TT