I understand that the girl is the main character and the whole relationship is open and all that, but I just feel really bad for Koscise. I mean, the two main characters are obviously the prince and the fujoshi but while they're having their whole nightly romantic moments, she's so hell-bent on focusing on shipping the two together, that she totally disregards Koscise's opinions and feelings. And once she did find out about the two guys, she was just enjoying it even more and supported it. Which is fine because you would assume that since she supported the two guys together, she would step down from doing anything even remotely romantic with the prince, knowing that she's stepping in the way of a 'relationship'. But then you notice how the fujoshi starts falling for the prince which is normal, as they're married. BUT THEN she actively pushes Koscise onto the prince just because she knew they had an intimate relationship prior to their marriage. But did she ever consider how Koscise would feel about this? You can already tell that he was regretting everything and that he was the only one who was genuinely guilty for being with the prince, but is still being told to pacify the prince whenever SHE feels like she wants to enjoy some guy on guy action? Its just goes to show how both the fujoshi and the prince disregard Koscise's feelings throughout this whole ordeal and only use him for physical pleasure, while they go off and enjoy legit emotional happiness at the expense of Koscise. It was even more heart breaking when Koscise said: "I belong to Lord Matisa, but he does not belong to me. I would not dare to be so insolent" just shows how this whole story is riding on the fact that Koscise is being used as a sexual object and that that is his only literal use in the story. You can't tell me that Koscise is equally just enjoying it for the sex, because I doubt it (considering he's human and has his own feelings).
I just started getting irritated at the fact that the fujoshi and prince are now slowly falling in love and forgetting that there is a third person in this relationship, whether they like it or not. If they don't want to acknowledge the fact that they just use Koscise whenever they feel like he's needed, then I hope to god that Koscise finds himself his own man who actually appreciates him.
My gosh, I was going deep on this lol. Sorry, just that whole quote from Koscise made me realize how unfair this whole situation is to Koscise. I'm starting to dislike the main characters and just waiting to see if a better guy is introduced for Koscise ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Not gonna lie, that hurt. I feel bad for Koscise