First, I'd like to start off by saying that grandpa Orst is the cutest. I love how the chapters go back and forth between him and Arito.
Now onto my other thoughts. Gilius is adorable. I like how he wasn't made into a tsundere character because tsundere tropes are honestly the most frustrating and unlikeable characters to ever stumble upon, in my opinion. When he was first introduced, I never actually got annoyed by him mainly because the story didn't focus too much on those bodyguards following him around. Gilius also never actually harmed anyone. He wanted to propose a deal, when his original plan didn't work, he went himself to try and talk it out. He was a little aggressive about it, but he wasn't annoying. He went for a 'talking' approach, rather than a violent one. Once they concluded their somewhat fight, Gilius' character was also adorable. He expressed himself nicely and offered gifts because he wanted to give them. He didn't do it in a roundabout way and was straightforward, through and through. Plus he's a child who has a lot on his shoulders so it made sense for him to be awkward in social settings the first time. He was also glad that his gift was useful to Arito and he made the decision to open up and interact with the party members, which is good on his part. He was a lonely boy, and he's starting to branch out and make friends. Overall, he's just a cute little ball.
As for the party members, I do agree with some people that they were really sus during their introduction. Just the facial expressions drawn on them were eerie at some parts and I wasn't really warming up to them yet until they're families came along. Idk, maybe it was the fact that they had a life outside of guild work that made them seem more normal, thus finally making me see them as kind adults.
As for Lina, I have no qualms with her. However, as soon as I heard that she was the only one without children when they were talking about their families I thought, 'oh no, is this a build up scenario so she has no one to weight her down in one spot, meaning she has more free time to travel?' and knew that this would be a fine reason for her to travel without the group. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her. She's a fine character who isn't in line with those annoying isekai female characters who are dressed in the least amount of clothes possible and are strong but irritating. Lina is actually a really great character, but that's all I kind of wanted her to stay as. A normal female character.
However, she is always following Arito on his journey. As much as I am okay with her, I kind of wanted Arito to go on his journey by himself, with his familiars and experience things without having to constantly look over his shoulder in case of blurting something out. I mean, at this point Lina practically knows 70% of who Arito is, and thats whats bothering me. Its because she's always there. I would enjoy reading just Arito go on his path and meeting new people are every point he goes. I like that idea of him being a wanderer, enjoying meeting new people, new sights, learning new things, and then going on another trip. Since Lina is constantly following them, I feel like she is getting to know all these cool and legendary people that I wanted Arito to meet solo. I feel as though Lina is getting benefits she doesn't really deserve just because she invited herself to go on this journey with Arito. I hope that once they get to Erinland that they do split up for good this time. Lina is a sweet character, but I can't handle watching her receiving all these good 'by chance' legendary scenes that Arito would come across sooner or later. But that's all really. I really like how calm the story is.
Okay so thats pretty much what I feel. Granpa Orst is the most adorable person ever, trying his best to change up recipes and getting excited to receive letters. Even sending letters to his friends to talk about his grandson. It's like he is constantly praising and showing off Arito like a proud parent. So cute. And the beast companions are so adorable. Snow and Ady are so protective and loving. The animals back at the house are soooo sweet. They're like the older cuties. But thats all. Oh, and, not to be dramatic or anything, but I would die for Leral. That 10 year old baby is so soft and hardworking, wanting to clean and show his work to impress Arito. I kid you not, I was staring at the screen for a while before continuing whenever he's on because he's just too cute to gloss over. Ugh this manga just has way to many 'feel-good' moments (▰˘◡˘▰)

I'm gonna be honest here and leave a review of what I've read so far. I've read through a lot of comments and can tell that a lot of people here are Sophie bias (most likely because they see her as the main female character I guess). That and the rest of the comments are just going on about how Jonathan and Yuna are sluts. I don't know why so many people are here calling out Yuna for being a slut and only looking for sex. I mean, this whole story is literally just about sex at this point? the plot is subpar and the only redeeming factor that keeps people coming back is the smut. I don't usually read hetero stories simply because theres too much hypocrisy on how ppl expect characters to behave. If the main female character were to act as a slut, then thats all good and within her right as the main female lead. If it were the second female character who was a slut, then god forbid, she's just an idiot cannon fodder here to add sex scenes. Like what?
I didn't come here for the plot. honestly just wanted to see some occasional smut while casually looking for new reads. However, from an outsider's point of view, who has no feelings towards these characters, I can say that the most annoying character here is most definitely Sophie. I don't know why you guys are so infatuated with her to begin with. Her character itself has a bad attitude and is in line with that whole tsundere trope, which is by far the most annoying character trope anyone can be, if I am being honest. There is nothing appealing about someone who constantly puts you down and has a tough exterior, only to have a blush effect and mutter internally about how thats not how you really feel. That trope is basically the most irksome to come across. Idk why ppl find that endearing. Sophie, from the start, has always been a wishy-washy character who can't make up her mind and leaves things vague because she don't want to not have options. She gets mad at Jonathan for being vague when her whole character setting itself literally lives off of being vague and ambiguous. She's definitely the most childish character out of the three, if you were to look at them.
Theres nothing good about her character and ppl just fend for her because she was the first female to be introduced, thus receiving that whole, main character halo. If you've ever noticed, Sophie likes to have things related to her, at all times. Its almost as though if its not about her, she'll do whatever she can to make it so its about her. I first noticed it when Jonathan brought Yuna to his apartment for sex the first time and Sophie was in the bathroom. It was literally just the two of them enjoying themselves and Sophie is in the corner narrating a whole scenario in her head, literally going about how Jonathan must be in the mood for wild sex because SHE wasn't giving him enough. That SHE, Sophie, wasn't offering him what he wanted so then results to him habing wild sex with just about anyone else. I mean, how do you have the confidence and mentality to think so highly of yourself to assume that a guy having sex with a girl who, no doubt has a better body and relationship with the guy, is simply because you weren't giving him any.
Jonathan is an idiot. We've already established that. He's just a regular guy with a big dick and is weak to sex. We know that. Yuna knows that. Sophie knows that. Idk what Sophie was expecting from him when they started this. Did she think that with her acting all coarse and tough, claiming to not like him and only there for the money, that he would even assume she liked him? I hope majority of the readers here are of age because its immature of someone to think that Sophie has rein over Jonathan when she's literally the burden in the whole story. She has nothing going for her, she doesn't really work hard enough to strive for her dreams, she expects someone else to provide for her, and still acts like she should be the one to call the shots. If Sophie were to have the same character settings as she does now and was to be the second female, readers would be calling her out for being useless and only being here for the sex. The only time she looks her age and talks serious is when its about streaming (go figure. thats all she cared about if I am being honest).
As for Yuna, she doesn't really have much of a presence, because she's not the lead. But thats what makes her somewhat bearable. A lot of people are slut shaming her, when Sophie does that same thing??? At most, Yuna is literally obvious about her wanting to be in Jonathan's life for the sex. Some call her manipulative, but how come no one calls Sophie out on it? Yuna and Sophie are basically the same type: there for the sex. Sophie just acts like she doesn't want it, gets mad, yells at Jonathan, then call him out for not doing what she wants, has makeup sex, and repeat. Yuna is just there for sex, sex, and sex. She herself is also annoying.
I honestly don't expect much from a story thats so smut focused, but damn these are adults. but lol they're just fictional characters so I didnt have high hopes for them anyway. Overall, stop putting Sophie on such a high pedestal at the expense of Yuna because honestly, that girl did nothing wrong. You can have your favorites, but don't be so blinded by them that you look at things with colored lenses, especially when you start degrading other characters who do the same exact things as your favorites. Its too hypocritical and awkward to look at.

Its cute and all buuuuuuuut still not over the fact that he was holding that babysitter's waist at the hospital. I get why the nurse thought it suspicious. Even when Shougo explained that it was a babysitter he was looking to hire, I felt iffy about it. Like I wouldnt hold the waist of a possible employee, if I were being honest with you. I also wouldn't appreciate it at all and would mind it very much of I was told that my husband was holding another person's waist, simply because thats an intimate gesture. Idk felt like the whole story was good and I honestly thought it was his sister at first because in my head I was like, "okay its totally cool if he hugged his sister. Because thats his sister" so I was cool with it. Until I found out it wasnt his sister at all. Like in what scenario did he have to hold another person in that position. Even if he was just leading her into a taxi. There are boundaries that people who are in committed relationships are expected to follow and respect. Idk if its just me who was bothered by it. Some ppl may say that it was just a casual thing and I may be looking into it too much but I dont think I am at all. Small gestures can lead to big consequences. I dont mean to say that once you're in a relationship, you're shackled down and not allowed to meet people. But there are certain restrictions that you have to place for yourself and partner, mainly for respect, trust, and loyalty.

First off, that nurse has been doing multiple illegal things and I could tell she was lowkey weird when she texted him about going on a date before the hotel. If she was in it just for the sex she wouldnt need all that other stuff. Sleeping with a minor was already a bad thing but there was no way she could have known he would break up with her on that specific day, meaning she had heat inducing medicine in her cabinet beforehand. Thats really suspicious and dangerous considering she's a high school nurse and there is no situation where she would need to have heat inducing drugs on hand like that. And then giving false medication to a patient (be it a minor or not) is illegal and should be grounds for getting her license revoked (if you even need one in her case). That fact that she gave it to him out of spite is even worse because it was a conscious decision on her part and she knew the consequences. Being jealous and spiteful should never be a reason to purposely put a person in danger, especially if multiple parties could be affected once a person is in heat. I really hope that they dont just breeze past this after they find out and get the legal authorities to deal with this because she's a nurse and works with students nonetheless. I was just going to ignore the whole thing because it adds to the plot but thinking about it again, thats some really dangerous stuff

**spoiler warning again**
so I know that once he gets to the school arc that the elf girl is gonna make a comeback and all that good stuff. But it just feels unnecessary how they set her up to be a love interest when this story itself was and is perfect as a regular action packed story about a previous king who was reborn into a kid who goes on a journey about strength, family, and friendship. The whole premise of the story is about his advancement into becoming a strong individual just like his previous life, but this time in a way that appeals to him having familial support. Including a love interest with the elf girl is only going to ruin the momentum of the story line and take away the fact that you can have a good story about growth with a cool main protagonist without having to add a random and awkward love story in the background. What I do remember from the novel was when his dragon met the elf girl after a long time and calls her 'mom' as though that cements the status of Arthur and the elf girl's relationship. Those types of extra dialogue is what leaves a bitter taste in the mouth, especially when its unnecessary and overkill. I believe I stopped reading the novel solely on the fact that the plot was going into a low point where the story shifts to try and include the elf girl and tries to obviously make this into a 'couple' story. Although the plot was good during the school arc, I was more interested in him being a badass and learning more things than him having to stop whatever he's doing to try and appease the elf girl who was angsty due to him leaving her a few years ago. I honestly can't see Arthur as someone who personally wants to involve himself with relationships, especially due to his inner age. I feel that at this point, he may grow to be attracted to someone who is strong in the future. But that just opens this to a whole area of possibilities. I know the elf girl gets stronger during her training but its off putting how every time the elf girl is brought back to the plot line, the story loses its overall appeal because they'd rather try to subtly add in foreshadowing about an upcoming relationship.
And hell, if they wanted someone strong to end up with him in the end, I'd take Elijah over the elf girl any day at this point. One, because he doesn't have an annoying character, and because he can actually hold himself together without needing anyone to watch over him as if he was a child. I just prefer the Arthur and Elijah dynamic better because they actually match in terms of strength, ability, and personality. And with a great plot like this, this duo just hits good points, buuuuuuuut some people may agree to disagree. However theres no lie in thinking that if they gave Elijah more dialogue, then I would enjoy having him as the second main character of the story. Tbh I was already rolling my eyes once Arthur first found her when she was kidnapped. It was so obvious that they needed a damsel in distress entry for the elf girl to be foreshadowed in the future. I mean as lucky as he was to find a master in the grandpa (who annoyingly keeps trying to set up Arthur with his granddaughter), but it's not shocking that, wow! the girl he randomly saved was actually a princess. And not just any princess, but a princess from a secret hidden race who never gets involved with outsiders. And for some reason the princess was lost and taken by humans, although elves literally live in the forest, know the forests best, are many times stronger than humans, and that guards should have been with their princess at all times, is still kidnapped and saved by our protagonist. I would assume the elves sent out a search team to find their princess but they didn't. If they did, they'd have found her much faster than the time it would have taken Art to even walk around the forest before finding her, but I guess every protagonist needs a princess. sad.
I love the story but I hate the idea that a good story can't just have a really cool and strong protagonist without having to add on romance or a female character to appeal to readers. The story itself would be much better if romance was excluded altogether. But thats just my opinion on the matter.

Damn are we the same person or what?? I totally agree
Tbh I usually dont mind this mental age gap on isekai shoujos, but when its an adventute its annoying, cuz the female is always represented as a weak person... I can't see how Art could fall for her. He is obviously an adult and she is a really childish kid, I see it more like an older brother and young sister
Tbh all the females his age are like that, so its too strange for me that he would be romantically interested on any of them. It would make sense if he fell for someone older or more mature.
So... basically Elijah or Jasmine ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
those two are the only characters that match Art's personality and can be equals to him, but more than that, Elijah and Jasmine admire and respect Art, but at the same time they know he isnt perfect and can accept that.
I feel like the girls idealized him cuz they never see him being weak before... Yeah, Art doesnt show it to them cuz thats his personality, but I think its mostly cuz he knows they couldnt handle it alone. Art can trust Elijah and Jasmine to defend themselves and even help him out on a fight.
I loved the scene where they were fighting the SS rank monster and he was like "oh, Jasmine is there attacking already" and completly calm cuz he knows how amazing she is LOL I just cant imagine he reacting the same way with the elven girl (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Anyway, I even prefer the blonde mage girl that almost died on the dungeon than the elven girl. At least they met on a dungeon and even if he saved her its more like they meet while working, and not while he was there just to save her ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ and 1. She choose to be an adventurer and thats kinda badass 2. She already saw ppl dying so not that innocent and silly anymore 3. She was one of Art's companion on their adventure so a more equal position
Ok... sorry for my long af reply, basically Im saying that anyone is better than even girl or the other girl that he helped her to be a mage (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

You guys are spitting straight facts and I love it. Personally, I like Jasmine for Art. There's equal respect, individuals trying to learn from one other w/o being overbearing. Sadly it ain't gonna tho. It's also unlikely for the authors to have him end w/ Elijah since this webtoon/novel caters the shonen readers. I do love their blossoming bromance.
Also, it's kinda funny how almost everyone don't bother remembering/mentioning the elf girl's name, that shows how her role in the plot is very disliked lol

I'm really annoyed with those childish and typical "oh, you don't give me attention" kinda of girls!! #-.-)
I was expecting a plot where someone is cherishing his family and friends because he died alone in his last life but why do people think that we need a shit romance in it?! Or at least put something that makes sense with the plot!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
If I wanted to be frustrated by those types of characters I would be reading a japanese/chinese shoujo ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
(Ps: not saying that japanese/chinese shoujo is all bad, I sometimes enjoy reading the genre...)

Yes. I agree with you wholeheartedly! It's not 'girls' or 'romance' that I dislike but an FL with a character, strength and better priorities equivalent to the ML is what I would prefer than girls who have no better character build up other than to be a love interest and an annoying obsessive one at that.

Mukoda is such a wife lol. I can imagine Feru being the overbearing husband who lowkey spoils their son, Sui, while Mukoda is the worrywart wife/mom of the family. You'll understand what I mean if you read the spin-off of Sui's story. The mother, father, son setting is so apparent in that story, its adorable. I just like this entire dynamic as it is and hopefully no changes happen. Especially no addition to humans because they usually ruin the whole mood of a story when new plot characters come in.

I think Sir Hart (the Salvatore army chief) will be important in the upcoming chapters. The empress dowager mentioned how she is the only one who knows the horrors of the disease (elpeltis). Empress dowager said that Acela doesn't know much about elpeltis because she isn't of Artvana Royalty and that all the records were burned the day she escaped. However, it was never mentioned who Sir Hart was before he was saved by Acela and became the chief of their guard team. But if you think of it, he didn't need to mention which kingdom he came from before being saved unless it would foreshadow something. When I read it the first time I was wondering why he mentioned it. But it was understandable because he was giving Leslie good advice and nice outlook, but he could have just said he was from foreign soils. But he goes to say he came from the ruined kingdom Artvana, that used to oppose the Empire they're in now. Once the Empress dowager had that little flashback about how she was originally from Artvana, was when I remembered Sir Hart. I'm not saying he's going to be a main character, but I do speculate that he's going to be a big factor or at least offer some information crucial to the Salvatores.
But on another note, the whole Royal family is confusing to me tbh. The empress dowager is not the empress. She's the empress dowager. She also mentioned when talking to Eli that after herself, the empress, archduchess Altera, and duchess Salvatore, she could be the 5th ranked woman in the empire (considering she could beat Leslie lol). But I think they mentioned that dowager was a young wife to the previous emperor(?). So the current emperor is still married to his wife, the empress, and they have a son: Arlendo. What confuses me is how absent the empress is throughout this whole ordeal. There is no possible way for the entire royal family to be oblivious to what the dowager is doing. I'm sure Arlendo knows he has the dowager as his backing so he's irrelevant. But as the emperor, although letting the empress dowager have some power is normal, its also unrealistic when you think about it. The previous emperor may have given her a title to ensure that she has power over some things, but she should no longer be powerful. I mean, if there was no current empress, then she as the empress dowager would have entire control as acting empress, but the current empress is still alive (I'm assuming). Another weird thing is her support for Arlendo. Idk if its because she wants to use him to keep herself in power, but idk how their relationship came to be. Another confusing point was when she mentioned how the emperor is keeping his decision for his heir on hold at the moment. On that part, it shows a picture of the emperor with Arlendo and another boy with his back turned. I haven't heard of the emperor having any other kids besides Arlendo, and its pretty obvious that the other boy was Konrad. But he's just a nephew. Why would he be an option for the throne? Is it because his grandfather was in the running to be the emperor but made a mistake and so they were originally the ones in line for the throne (considering the whole conversation between Archduke Altera and Empress dowager)? Then theres also the archduchess Altera (Konrad's mom) who left to help save people from a disease. I'm just trying to figure out what is going on with their family situation lol. But I think Leslie is going to be involved with the whole disease thing with the priest stuff. Tbh I'm just waiting for this to be complete already and get my answers (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I agree with all the other stuff but I think the emperor may have another son who hasn't been shown (to us) yet. Konrad has grey straight hair yet the boy who is facing his back to us (with the emperor and Arlendo) in the picture http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_monster_duchess_and_contract_princess/nbt/mpn_chapter-2330329/pg-13/ has greenish curly hair so I don't think he is the nephew of the emperor but another Prince probs.
So, and yes I can't wait for Leslie to be that chosen Priestess thing (forgot the name) and totally overcome the Empress Dowager's expectation of her to die and dispel her mother's (the Salvatore duchess) worries.
The fact that this is based on real people who were actually speculated to have been in a sexual relationship is just ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Mori Ranmaru in history was actually often depicted as having an extremely feminine appearance, so the author changing him to have a youthful look is more accurately correct.
However I doubt they'll actually follow along with the real historical timelines and events considering how this is a yaoi, but its a good story!