Art is good, translations ain't that bad, story is good and idk how to describe the plot
It was going so well even though everything seems wayy too slow for me but it was fine.. until I got to the part where I began to think the ML had feelings for his sister.. I didn't wanna think that way until I saw an art of them kiss in the very first page of the next chap.. why.. WHY DID YALL CHOOSE HIM AS THE MALE LEAD SDBHJCBSDVBGC
I know they aren't really siblings but it just rubbed me so BAD. I don't know how to explain but it don't feel right for me since I only view them as siblings the very first chap (I'm aware that at this time they both already know they aren't real siblings) and because of that freaking title too.
Anyways will pick this up when I'm fine at them being together.
It isn't really a bad story it's actually good.. though since I'm not really patient I view the whole story ( the pacing) slow (⌒▽⌒) but it's fine.
Worth the read if you don't mind the sibling troupe. Its up to you if you like it since they had reasons or not since you can't erase that both of them were siblings at first.
(If you don't get it don't worry I don't as well.)
PS. Pls if you're thinking about doing a story with a sibling troupe.. choose a better title.

almost thought of dropping this but I managed
Imma be honest the first parts of story were fine but at the moment Roselina/FL (or what her name was) started acting really protective-ish to Ein I almost dropped it (this is that time when she took over Ein's schedule) I know its because she didn't want Ein to be like what he was in the novel but it just rubbed me the wrong way when she started doing it.
One of also what I don't like is when FL refused ML at those "about to do the boomboom" times. I actually still don't understand why she just refused him like that.. like atleast say something to him so he won't misunderstand, not push him away. (I may or may not missed the part where she explained but I still don't get it.)
Overall it's good.. almost thought of dropping it for a few times at those scenes I mentioned ^ Not really a huge fan of FL since she is a bit frustrating and slow and naive at times but its fine ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
but again overall this story is good. FL might seem a bit frustrating at first but as you read it, its actually a really nice story.. downfall? FL at some scenes. Recommended if u don't mind FL's stuff at first.. Rating : 8/10.

The reason she refused him was cuz she was worried about getting pregnant and having a child amidst the chaos and climax of the story. She felt like it still wasn’t safe to risk having a child (she didn’t want to become a burden plus she wouldn’t want the baby to get hurt or die because of the amount of ppl that were still against the Chade family. So it makes sense why she was so anxious but she should have still explained it to Cassius even when he said she didn’t have to. It was heartbreaking She refuses to talk about her worries which is a problem when ur in a relationship. Relationships rely on COMMUNICATION ppl! So I’m just glad Cassius loved her enough to simply wait for her without questioning her. I’m honestly surprised there wasn’t an argument to PUSH her into telling him what she was anxious about jeez
I like this story as well but I don’t like the stark difference of attention and affection she shows Ein compared to her own husband but ok. I wonder if she’ll appreciate him more and show him more attention if something bad happens to him =_= yea yea Cassius will get to keep her all to himself when Ein gets married to Karina

thanks so much for explaining and RIGHT?? She had reasons but she also need to consider what their partner is thinking at times like that and as you said communication is KEY.. I was SOO frustrated at that time cause idk if I should be angry at her or side with her but good thing that whole situation got solved out and same I'm also surprised there was not a single argument about that and we both know how much points Cassius gained respecting her wishes and decided not to pry.. tho I wished he actually did cause I cannot handle them making up without him knowing why she was doing that.. hopefully in the future chaps he actually did ask her the reason..
HELP SERIOUSLY.. Like it's making me tad bit uncomfortable at times like that T-T .. but I'm just glad enough that she is treating her husband better than the past.. Can't wait for the future chaps cause I wanna KNOWW if something finally happened between them.. like did they grow closer to each other? Did he ask the reason why she was doing that? Did she finally move on on giving Ein more attention?? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

If she just talked to him about it then there wouldn’t been tension between them in the first place. In fact he prob would’ve supported and comforted her. Honestly it’s her fault that she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to repair the relationship after pushing him away so many times without explaining. Dayum is Cassius and angel or smth? XD
She prob won’t stop giving him so much attention until he’s married or until she moves out of the manor to live in retirement with Cassius fingers crossed ig

Idk how to describe the story but the plot got eaten by a rat by how many plot holes this story have.. and it's so fast paced that none of the information here has set in in my brain.. and idk if I'm tripping but the art also changed midway..
MC is fine but why does she do her plans so openly? Like for an example calling the great mage just like that outside the house WITH the ML just behind
And I don't understand how everyone seems to change their attitudes to her by simply just that.. mostly for the ML.. and let's not forget how he fell in love so fast that we couldn't even see any development around them.. it's just simply like that.
Still gonna read this since it's not that bad ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍.. hopefully there's a BIG development on the next chapters..

I completely agree with you. Some event really happend for the sake it happend. They dont have anything to share, no similar background to share the bond no actuall comunication which make it weird cus she act more like a big sister to him than his spouse all along. Its abit weird how he eventually fell for her.

Story is good, art is amazing and idk how to describe the plot.
Just as I said this is a good story it's just a bit boring but not enough for u to drop it
The only downfall (for me) here would be the MC.. don't get me wrong.. MC is good and all that but she's wayyy too dense for her own good.. I'm beginning to despise the prince here because why can't he just stop? He KNOWS she's taken and yet he had the audacity to do all that to her.. in front of HER fiance too.. like.. you already saw them kiss
Another thing about the MC is here being way too weak.. I know she's not used to this or something but you have been LIVING there for how many years.. you could have learn things to protect yourself with along the way.. I was just so frustrated that she goes sad about her not knowing to protect herself and still depending on ml.. it's about time you have a wake up call Leticia Hoping in the next chapter (if they will ever update) they would surprise us with Leticia finally learning stuff to be the woman she really is ☹

really good art and love how the mc is smart and all that but it's just too boring for me ( ̄∇ ̄") chapters are filled with nothing but boring dialogue's and I'm just not getting the energy.. I mean THE ENERGY.. and don't even get me started with her uncle.. he literally witnessed and know and literally everything yet he's not doing anything at all.. like how many proofs do you need to confirm your niece or child is getting abused and 99+ more??

actually a good story but the ML & MC is just not for me (in my perspective)
enjoyed reading this and also cried at some parts until the end UNTIL their ages got to me.
I'm surprised myself I even got to finish this story and even CRIED. I would have dropped this off the bat if I didn't forget their ages..
First that surprised me is that even after knowing about the MC's past.. the people around her didn't change and acts the same around her like she is their younger sister and the youngest in the family. I really thought they would act different cause she IS mentally older than them. The only thing that made me uncomfortable here is how the mc acts childish and everyone (that knows she is a warrior) is okay with it. Cause for sure I would be cringed but I guess I do get it?(I don't) since she didn't get to experience being like a real kid and was already taken and abused by Majore in her past life.
Next is both of mc and the ml..
easy words to explain them both : PEDO X PEDO
MC is a GROWN ADULT on the inside liking on ML when he was still 14 or 15
ML likes MC in the future (where ML is 17 and MC is 10) and got together. despite the age gap and him knowing about how MC is a grown adult on the inside.
actually enjoyed this story until MC here fell in love with ML and vice versa..
Recommended if you can easily forget their ages like me! since at that way you can enjoy the story

already dropped at Ch. 17 , Believe me I tried to read this through the end but I just mentally can't. The first parts of the story is good, I love our mc Ibelina's personality and all that but it just goes so wrong the more I read it (In my perspective).
I don't know how to explain but like as the story goes when Ibelina started to take care of the male lead she just gives me the vibes of like seducing him (???) not seducing but she KNOWS he's still a child yet she acts like she's taking care of her husband (I mean.. ( ̄∇ ̄")) Idk if that's what the others saw too but it's like that to me. For an example when the ml had a fever and instead of using HER HAND to check his forehead she literally TOUCHED HIS FOREHEAD WITH HERS. Idk if that's NORMAL to ya'll but its not for me .
Next for our ml... It's basically how he looks... it just turn me so off like seriously.. I know that he hadn't received the things he had to receive to grow up normally since he is cursed and hated and bla bla bla but I'm so sorry it just took me so off. And I really thought that he view Ibelina as like a mother figure since she is basically the only one who takes care of him like that but I so didn't expect him to have ROMANTIC feelings for her
I know that the age gap is only 3-4 years which is not bad but I just can't since the moment I start to read this I only see Ibelina taking care of young ml.. It looks grooming to me ☹ taking care of a child then marrying him or something like that.
Recommended if you don't mind the romance between these two when it still looks wrong! since in the future that would change =.=
lesson learned, read the comments before reading this types of stories cause WHAT THE FREAK.. Nobody ain't gonna match this freak and definitely not this nasty..
I had HOPE this was just a normal story of raising your kid to be better.. NOT THIS. I actually thought Tita was just confused about his feelings about Clete.. like he actually love her as JUST a child loving his mother the NORMAL WAY.. not ROMANTICALLY. That's so weird.. like girl. I thought I found the story I'm looking for just to see it's the same old trash troupe raising a kid and marrying them. Dropped.
I knooow! I was already feeling a bit iffy about the way the prince was feeling about her. But I rounded that up to just him growing up and only having her around, but he'd eventually understand that what he feels is only admiration as well as love as a family member.
But now I just finished chaper 54 and it ends with Clest (i think that was her name?) falling on top of him and being all blushy as well as internally asking why her heart is beating so fast. And NO JUST NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS! YOU ARE HIS MOTHER WOMAN! GET IT TOGETHER!!!
And it was going so well up until there.... Why they gotta make it weird! Why couldn't they just have been parent and child, or child and guardian...
So yeah tldr this shit got weird and imma be dropping it asap.
HUH. ABSOLUTE DISGASTANG .. IM SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF MYSELF FOR DROPPING THIS.. you stayed STRONG cause I couldn't even survive through ch17 happy you survived besti!!!
Daamn I wish I had your foresight to drop this sooner... But oh well, we live and learn I guess~