okay so i did some digging and if anyones interested i'll leave a link to where i found the spoilers. i will try to make a short summarization if anyone doenst wanna go to link and read the spoilers, tho i recommend reading the spoilers since they explain a lot about the story and what happens after the first main story.
link: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/into-the-rose-garden-%EC%9D%B8%ED%88%AC-%EB%8D%94-%EB%A1%9C%EC%A6%88-%EA%B0%80%EB%93%A0.160406/
go to user "spoiler curator" theyre the one who read the novels and summarized them.
okay, so apparently the characters reincarnate later in the other parts of the novel. the first part is the one that is currently ongoing in the webtoon and their first lives from what i could gather. big spoiler aelock dies. klopp ends up dying of old age and after this they reincarnate.
in the second novel part theyve been reincarnated and arok is the one who has his past memories or at least is the one who is the most affected meanwhile klopp only dreams of their past lives but doesnt know that the dreams are from his past life. in this story they end up together.
in the third novel part klopp is the one with the memories of their past while arok doesnt remember anything. after some hardships they also end up together.
Okay I’m sorry but baekdos eyebrows are so freaking ugly They’re literally just a line what the heck I’m sorry but it’s just so distracting to me, the art is so pretty, but HIS EYEBROWS I CANT Σ(っ°Д °;)っ They’re absolutely horrendous, please don’t tell me I’m the only one(⊙…⊙ )
i never noticed till now but now i can’t unsee it
I deeply apologise but I couldn’t suffer with this alone Σ(っ°Д °;)っ