Shigaraki Tomura... the heck you doing in a yaoi manga, don't you have some league to boss around or a hero to destroy.

T.B.F. I wanted both of them to die but I wanted a death by explosion or something quick like a gun cause [SPOILERS]
Having Sangwoo's mother's prediction of him dying in a painful way was too much for me.
and I didn't even get to see Bum dying.
I know it was implied but not seeing him in a pool of his own blood while HE got away with aiding a killer and helping him kill again was a bit unfair.
If I'm going to be honest I wouldn't be that upset if their deaths were reversed (Bum dying while screaming bloody murder and Sangwoo in car accident)
An alternative ending would've been both of them going to jail and getting fucked to death but that might've been to much of a happy ending for Koogi-Sensie and I would've been concerned that sensie was not feeling well.
I wonder when did my taste change from cutie pie youji to pervy fetishist touma.
Sometimes I worry about the thought of me converting my future husband into a complete perv....
That thought is disturbing me less and less by the day.