I don't know if I'm the only person that feels this way, but I'm done with Skyler. Yeonduk keeps telling him multiple times that he feels uncomfortable, yet Skyler keeps bothering him. Like when he decided to sleep on the floor, he disregarded what he said and continued to get in his space anyways (and I know he said he fell out of bed, but I don't believe it). I honestly kinda ship Yeonduk with Noel now. With him, he seems pretty supportive and understanding when Yeonduk talks to him about stuff.

to be fair Yeonduk DID NOT honestly rejected him! not in an honest way, even when he was kissed by him.
and to set him up with some girl he know the other will not want is not fair! even if Sky is a little pushy, he is not too much of a pusher has you make him be. and he is honest, he does not want any misunderstandings, which is good! while Yeonduk is only running away, and not facing his own feelings or fears. it's not good for both of them. I don't blame him, but I think he only making himself suffer more by running away. he need to face this even if it is scary.
I've read the whole thing in just a couple days, and it's definitely one of my favorite mangas now! I just hope this comic get's popular enough so it can get a potential anime/movie!