irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I wish I had swollen lip problems from making out too much lol T_T

irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy


irimara created a topic of 19 Days

that is just too goddamn cute stop it

we’re veering off into codependency and not actually fixing anything; alright, lemme adjust my expectations. it’s fictional; it can be hot; bring on the hot aggressive fuckin

irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy


irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy

cute things soon ( ° ʖ °)

irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy

“If only it was easier to figure out what I’m feeling…”

Hyunsoo. You dork. You fool.

irimara created a topic of Yatara yarashii fukami kun

god these two are exhausting. mostly fukami is exhausting. figure out your shit, dude

irimara created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

my dude, my bro

please go away

irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy
irimara created a topic of Work Love Balance

Director Kang in that last panel whippin his head around like dramatic-look-gopher.gif

irimara created a topic of Work Love Balance

zzzzzzzzzz wake me up when there’s fuckin zzzzzzzzz

I know next to nothing about Code Geass but it doesn’t seem like you need to know anything lol. It’s pretty dang cute and knight seme + king/prince uke is my kink, this was fun and sweet and adorable.

irimara created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

I know everybody’s losing their shit because it’s not a real update, but you should probably at least reread chapters 7-9 of the new translation anyway? A lot of panels changed, it’s like the mangaka revised it? The sex is like…just a little sweeter and more affectionate? It’s cute.

And maybe other chapters were revised too but I don’t have the patience right now lol

irimara created a topic of Home

“Alright, I don’t think going to his house would be a bad idea.”

Narrator: It was a bad idea.

irimara created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

it’s ok, hayato, if you ask nicely I bet Jin will make more hickeys on you when those fade

or even if you don’t ask

irimara created a topic of Work Love Balance

but also I’m with the first person I dated, been together for 15 years and married for 6, it’s fine ¯_(ツ)_/¯

irimara created a topic of Work Love Balance

Director Kang, please, you’ve already dug yourself into a hole, you’re just pulling dirt on top of yourself now

anyway I breezed through this chapter so fucking fast lol, can’t wait for triangle arc to be done or whatever the hell this is

irimara created a topic of Perfect Buddy

not until chapter 97


irimara created a topic of The Pain in My Neck

plot summary

mc: I’m sick ):
dr: no ur not lol
mc: T__T
vamp: actually you just have bad vibez
mc: what
vamp: I’m going to have to suck ur blood to get the bad vibes out
mc: um
vamp: also need to suck ur dick, there’s bad energy in there too (but I won’t bite it)
mc: wait
vamp: also I need to bite you all over
mc: wh
vamp: we may as well fuck too
mc: WAIT wait wait wait
vamp: ?
mc: my primary problem with this is that we are not dating
vamp: ok let’s date
mc: UM??
vamp: :3 <3

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