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GOD TIER YAOI (2) 2024-09-08 0
Josei /Romance worth the reading (72) 2025-02-21 0
en proceso(18) 2024-07-19 0
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zeugi's topics ( All 78 )

zeugi February 22, 2025 4:53 pm

Well, I looove our female and male protagonist (and his father holly smokes ) but somehow something it's lacking for me. I would have liked for ex-husband to have appeared more, to see him suffer, fall into despair, repent to find too late that all his efforts to gain his ex wife back are in vain. To see his face contrite with pain and regret, to scar his face from digging his nails under his eyes from frustration...and then see the arc where FL can finally find happiness with her new squeeze (and his father

    rubyjanee February 22, 2025 6:49 pm

    this!! and suddenly the ml is so lacking in expressions it feels like im reading a different story now

    zeugi February 22, 2025 7:11 pm
    this!! and suddenly the ml is so lacking in expressions it feels like im reading a different story now rubyjanee

    For real, reading the ML expressions is watching a foreign movie without subs,we can only guess if hes happy, showing contempt or horny by the surrounding context ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    rubyjanee February 23, 2025 4:13 pm
    For real, reading the ML expressions is watching a foreign movie without subs,we can only guess if hes happy, showing contempt or horny by the surrounding context ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ zeugi

    ikr and I hate how rushed their first time was I wish it was after they properly communicated their feelings

zeugi February 22, 2025 3:27 pm

This is unrealistic even for being a webtoon. The FL and ML are supposed to be in the national swimming team? Like wtf? Those are not swimmers bodies AT ALL, if author wanted to make a background for their character to interact, they could have made an art club or something, but a NATIONAL swimming team? Even I am offended. The overall story it's a mess, jumping between escenes with little explanation as of why something happened...maybe I'll try to read it when completed dunno

zeugi's questions ( All 1 )

zeugi July 31, 2018 11:53 pm

With so many teenagers around here I feel like an old fuyoshi lady, like I shouldnt be reading manga anymore and concentrate in more "adult hobbies", I don't know really. No se si debería cortar con el manga por lo sano...la verdad es que me quita mucho tiempo pero lo ADORO.

    okayreiji July 31, 2018 11:54 pm

    People here do judge adults for reading yaoi, and ngl it is kinda weird that adults would spend their time like this, but not really... if you enjoy it, just read it on the DL.

    Tsukasa August 1, 2018 12:05 am

    No se precope yo tango 27 Amos y me encarta Lear manga y ver anime averse el Lo unico qui me sube los anim chandon estey trabajando en me break.
    Dont worry about it I'm 27 and I still love to read manga sometime its the only thing that makes work bearable when i take my break. Just enjoy what youlikei

    kanekeyken August 1, 2018 12:12 am

    lol how old do you think the people that write and draw manga/manhwa/manhua are? 15? lmaooo you're fine just enjoy~

    Emm August 1, 2018 12:14 am

    You’re not meant to read yaoi mangas when you’re under 18 so I don’t see the wrong in reading them at your age.

    Fetish Love August 1, 2018 12:32 am

    PFFT!!! you're totally fine and shouldn't worry when "you're too old" to be reading manga because that is never.

    Like kaneeyken said, the creators of all this stuff we consume aren't ~teenagers~, they're grown ass adults. Sure, their target audience is most likely teenagers, but really, who are the ones most likely to actually have the money to spend and support the work on a frequent basis?

    and just like Emm said, yaoi is technically meant only for those who are adults, and in most or all parts of the world, by the time you turn 18 you're considered an adult.

    if anyone tries to shame you or embarrass you for doing what you enjoy, FUCK EM! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    You do you as long as it's not harmful. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    lovely-mako August 1, 2018 12:59 am

    Guuuurl im 31 and i.ve been reading yaoi since 2009. I LOVE IT and i dont feel guilty reading it cause it doesnt interfere with my life (tho im a closet fujoshi) Just do what the hell you want. Hablo español e ingles just in case xD solo q aca todos hablan ingles.

    M o M o ♡ August 1, 2018 2:21 am

    Ahh esta bien. Los jovenes, como yo de 15 anos, tienen mucho tiempo y nada que hacer, bueno ademas de la escuela lol. Pero estaria bien si hizieras algo de ademas leyendo yaoi, encuentra otro hobby que es saludable y bueno para ti xD

    Akaihana August 1, 2018 3:59 am

    Im 24 so i get how u feel when everyone is 15+ but i don't care. I doesn't matter how old someone is! As long as you enjoying the Mangas, u should let people take that from u.

    zeugi August 1, 2018 11:52 pm

    Thank you so much for your kind words everyone!!!! Gracias por animarme, lo necesitaba, sois geniales

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Extroverted and closeted fuyoshi. Bi

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