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Lee ineo January 28, 2021 11:19 am

I've never read the comments. So I didn't know there's people out there complaining about someone's work. As far as I have read the translator's work is good as far as I know. I don't understand why people complain about something they know their going to come back and read. When they ask for translators why don't those very critical readers help out since they're so outraged about someone's work. Since they need help why not offer your perfect translator services. Lastly I know there are many websites that have The original transcript in Their original language so why not go read those so that way you can read what the writer truly wrote and not suffer through anymore chapters. If you can't find them just ask because this mer reader well offer such help. But if you yourself can't read in this case korean maybe taking a couple courses yourself that way you can truly offer help and correct criticism when the next opportunity shows its self.

Lee ineo October 27, 2018 11:32 pm

It's an amazing story. I don't know about the negativity toward it but as for us who enjoy your creativity shouldn't you finish it. Not everyone well like it but those who do it'll be ashame to not continue...

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