I don't know if I wanna keep reading or nah...
I fugg with the esper-verse, and the art is nice, but what is up with the characters and how they act? Minhyung, why did you do those things to Yoonjae? Why did Woochan just walk away at the end?
Also, how y'all gonna introduce a new plot point (the mysterious guide just standing on the top of a highrise?¿) without concluding the first major plot point?
I just read an old spoiler that says Blondie is 63 years old *cry-laughing*
I know the plot/ending already, but the lead-up is still confusing AF.
The only reason I'm sticking around is cus when I first came across this, it was the only thing I read that had necrophilia front-and-centre, and that intrigues me.
Taekwon with his inner thoughts has me laughing.
I hope we get a little more chaotic-funny situations in the future, and the drama gets dialed back.
Also, I think we're all in agreement that Agrio is absolute bae. Whether he's endgame or not (which how tf can he not?), he's the best option out of the 3 main tops.
ahaha, even after reading the comments about the "womb tattoo", I was still taken back when I saw it on him.
short and sweet. definitely not what I was expecting with a womb tattoo
I do think it'd read better with a better translating job. Also, not me thinking the story summary was just casual fat-shaming. the "naturally skinny" tribe only sacrifices "unappealing" people bruh, just say "physically weak" tribe and "muscular/brawny" sacrifice