Fifi September 10, 2024 5:40 pm

I understand both perspectives in this situation. People here tend to choose sides some are on Jin's side, while others support Matthew. But in reality both characters are complex and their actions are both justified and unjustified in different ways.

Matthew genuinely wants the best for Jin. He would never intentionally do something to harm him. The whole sedative incident was done with Jin's safety in mind since he needed to lay low. Matthew was trying his best to protect him even begging Jin to stay after Jin had lashed out and physically attacked him. Honestly, Matthew deserves some slack. The things he said in the recent chapter were valid. Jin has consistently prioritized his work, often leaving Matthew behind because something came up. Even their one and only date was ruined by Brandon. Of course, Jin didn’t have much of a choice, but from Matthew’s perspective, he was always pushed aside. Seeing Jin leave despite his desperate plea hurt Matthew deeply especially when Jin called out to Brandon while he was intimate with Matthew. I think the next few chapters will likely show Matthew spiralling down. Jin didn’t fully understand how much he had changed Matthew. I still remember at the beginning of the manhwa, Matthew was emotionally broken and detached from everything. Meeting Jin changed his world completely, so his feelings are valid.

Now, let’s consider Jin’s perspective. His feelings are also valid. Just as Jin changed Matthew, Matthew changed Jin. Ever since Jin took his relationship with Matthew seriously, he gave up on a lot. In the first chapter, Jin was sleeping with different people almost every night and indulging heavily in drugs. But after meeting Matthew, he let go of those habits, even giving up drugs which is a huge step for an addict. Matthew became his safe space, someone he could trust, who wouldn’t use him or put him in danger. Matthew loved Jin for who he was, not for his wealth or what he represented. Jin saw a new life with Matthew. But all of that shattered when he discovered that Matthew had sedated him to keep him inside. All the trust Jin had built up for Matthew crumbled. Matthew suddenly became someone different in Jin’s eyes. When your loved one starts sedating you, it’s hard to think straight, so Jin instinctively protected himself by lashing out at Matthew. In his anger he said harsh things that I doubt he truly meant. While Jin’s actions were wrong they were still understandable. I also noticed the parallel after their fight where Jin resorted to drugs again. The fight affected him so deeply that he turned to the very thing he had promised to leave behind. The detail about him first reaching for a cigarette shows that Jin still had the urge to avoid relying on the dream pills.

As for their relationship, I don’t think Jin will attend Matthew’s exhibition, and it’s doubtful Matthew will go either. I think both of them will abandon the project Matthew in an attempt to find Jin and make things right and Jin either returning to his mafia job or getting kidnapped, possibly by the same guy who kidnapped him before. The story could go one of two ways: either they won’t get back together with Matthew’s fear being realized that once Jin leaves he won’t return, or one of them might die. I honestly find it hard to imagine them having a happy ending. Given the current situation it seems unlikely. While I hope for a happy ending because I’m a sucker for these types of endings. I doubt it will happen. This fight has caused a significant tear in their relationship that won’t be easy to fix. I’m excited to see where this manhwa goes and hope it doesn’t disappoint us.

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2024 1:58 am

    They both need help and to get their shit together. Cause they both tend to repeat the same things because of their past traumas. However I hope they get it together soo

Fifi September 1, 2024 7:06 am

yeah no after those unnecessary rape scenes im dropping this. Its not like I'm missing out on a lot since the story wasn't even good to begin with i just kept on reading because i liked the authors other works but this is most definitely just pure trash on paper, a disappointment to the authors other work

Fifi August 29, 2024 8:57 pm

To be honest I kind of expected it. Jin has always had a more violent side so it was only a matter of time before he snapped at Matthew as well. I had hoped that maybe this wouldn't happen but I was wrong. Jin's reaction, however, is valid. It feels like everyone is out to get him and Matthew was basically his safe space. Then, out of nowhere, his comfort person starts drugging him for days. I would have reacted the same way. Jin was honestly all over the place this chapter and I kind of liked the direction it was heading. Until now, we've mostly seen Jin as unshakable, not caring much about his past, but now that his past is coming back to haunt him, it's interesting to see how he reacts. I'm really looking forward to what happens next.

On the other hand, people should cut Matthew some slack. He was obsessed with keeping Jin safe. He got a job to ensure Jin wouldn’t leave, so he did everything in his power to keep him inside the house even if it meant drugging him. I’m still confused as to why he kept on fucking Jin while Jin was in and out of consciousness, but whatever. The more pressing question is where he got the drugs from. In my last comment I speculated that they might have been an antidote from the doctor but now I'm starting to doubt that. I think there’s something deeper going on with Matthew. I doubt the author will keep him innocent. Maybe Brandon himself provided the drugs who knows? I’m excited to see where the author is taking his character.

In conclusion, they are both toxic for each other. There is, and isn’t, justification for their actions. Personally, I can understand both of them. They each had valid reasons for doing what they did. One thing is certain though this chapter has left a tear on their relationship that will be difficult to repair. Jin will most likely not attend Matthew's exhibit and Matthew will obviously be disappointed further tearing their relationship apart. It will be interesting to see if the author decides to give them a happy ending or not. Honestly, I think a happy ending for them will be hard to achieve. Either one of them will die or they will split completely.

    Le$bean September 1, 2024 6:37 pm

    Mama this is art, you summarized it perfectly

    jjaxson September 1, 2024 6:50 pm

    You were correct, the drugs Matthew was giving Jin were the sedatives that he got from the doctor. He was using them to keep Jin asleep because he has insomnia.

Fifi August 18, 2024 7:03 pm

This story was definitely something. To be honest, in comparison to Lily of the Valley, this one was way better. I'm glad that the professor ended up getting expelled it was definitely the better ending, and I was rooting for Yujin either way. I also loved Yujin's character it was really entertaining to see her different sides and how quickly she switched moods. I especially enjoyed how Yujin exposed the teacher that was so satisfying.
Now, onto the actual story. I wish there had been more to it, as in more chapters. It felt like it ended way too quickly. It would have been better if it had been dragged out like Bad Thinking Diary. Everything happened way too quickly, and you couldn’t really take in what was happening. Suddenly, Yujin joins Seonmin's school, and she already exposed the teacher within three days it was way too fast. The relationship between the characters couldn’t have been developed properly since each chapter was just pure sex.
But now, onto my next point: there was just too much sex. Because the story itself was short, it felt like Seonmin was a sex obsessed character. I just wish we could have seen more of her life outside of the sex, or maybe a date between her and Yujin. Also, what happened to a simple "hello"? The first chapter dives directly into Seonmin’s nudes. I know the author’s stories are usually like this, but it was still pretty funny.
Seeing how the teacher and Yujin were a bit two-faced, I wish that Seonmin could have been more like that as well. She seems a bit too submissive like, girl, stand your ground! How are you going to let a freshman toy with you like that? But at least there was evident improvement in comparison to Lily of the Valley. Between those two, I liked this one a bit more, so I'm glad to see Rangrari finally improving. I would still recommend that she hire a writer, though. The art was very pretty, as always I really like her art style.

Overall, this story was okay. It had its flaws, but it was readable. I just wish there were more chapters. 3/5.

Fifi August 15, 2024 1:28 am

tbh I'm at a loss for words. I don't really know what to say. Its clear that Mathew is only doing this for his safety and he would never do something to hurt Jin (as seen in the chapters where he himself got drugged) so I'm having a hard time believing that the syringe is actually a drug. Where would he even get a syringe full of drugs? I think that's just the antidote prescribed by the doctor. If I'm not mistaken i think she mentioned that fatigue might be a symptom to it. Mathew maybe gave Jin a larger dosage to keep him out for longer. Tbh it would be so out of character for him to suddenly change his morals especially since his relationship with Jin seems to be blooming. I hope the author wont dissapoint

    aye August 15, 2024 6:32 am

    If i wasn't wrong, it is in fact the medicine that was prescribed by the doctor to Matthew a few chapters back then when he gained his drugs addiction. i don't know where these people get the wrong ideas lol

Fifi May 25, 2024 6:52 pm

Didn't ask and don't care. I'm over his sob story oh my god. "Ugh you don't know how much i love you" PACK YOUR BAGS MAN. Also the holding back was hilarious bro is acting as if he didn't shove Eun into a car and forced himself on him LITERALLY IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER. This story is going downhill as it progresses and its a shame. Could've had a better plot without all the SA. Also bro needs to get over Euns reaction for once n for all. Hes bitching about it as if Eun ganged up on him for being gay.

Fifi May 20, 2024 1:29 pm

pluh just shoved Eun in a car, forced himself on him and then after he pulls a "we'll do this more often don't care if you don't want to" LIKE WHAT he is pissing me off sm rn AND THEN HE USES THE PAST AS AN EXCUSE "he didn't accept me for who i am" SUCKS BUT MOVE ON NO NEED TO TRAUMATIZE HIM FOR IT the people who r excusing Joohyuk's behaviour r also delusional af like how can yall excuse this?? Honestly i hate all three of them like they're all annoying but Eun did not deserve what Joohyuk did to him

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