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Fifi September 10, 2024 5:40 pm

I understand both perspectives in this situation. People here tend to choose sides some are on Jin's side, while others support Matthew. But in reality both characters are complex and their actions are both justified and unjustified in different ways.

Matthew genuinely wants the best for Jin. He would never intentionally do something to harm him. The whole sedative incident was done with Jin's safety in mind since he needed to lay low. Matthew was trying his best to protect him even begging Jin to stay after Jin had lashed out and physically attacked him. Honestly, Matthew deserves some slack. The things he said in the recent chapter were valid. Jin has consistently prioritized his work, often leaving Matthew behind because something came up. Even their one and only date was ruined by Brandon. Of course, Jin didn’t have much of a choice, but from Matthew’s perspective, he was always pushed aside. Seeing Jin leave despite his desperate plea hurt Matthew deeply especially when Jin called out to Brandon while he was intimate with Matthew. I think the next few chapters will likely show Matthew spiralling down. Jin didn’t fully understand how much he had changed Matthew. I still remember at the beginning of the manhwa, Matthew was emotionally broken and detached from everything. Meeting Jin changed his world completely, so his feelings are valid.

Now, let’s consider Jin’s perspective. His feelings are also valid. Just as Jin changed Matthew, Matthew changed Jin. Ever since Jin took his relationship with Matthew seriously, he gave up on a lot. In the first chapter, Jin was sleeping with different people almost every night and indulging heavily in drugs. But after meeting Matthew, he let go of those habits, even giving up drugs which is a huge step for an addict. Matthew became his safe space, someone he could trust, who wouldn’t use him or put him in danger. Matthew loved Jin for who he was, not for his wealth or what he represented. Jin saw a new life with Matthew. But all of that shattered when he discovered that Matthew had sedated him to keep him inside. All the trust Jin had built up for Matthew crumbled. Matthew suddenly became someone different in Jin’s eyes. When your loved one starts sedating you, it’s hard to think straight, so Jin instinctively protected himself by lashing out at Matthew. In his anger he said harsh things that I doubt he truly meant. While Jin’s actions were wrong they were still understandable. I also noticed the parallel after their fight where Jin resorted to drugs again. The fight affected him so deeply that he turned to the very thing he had promised to leave behind. The detail about him first reaching for a cigarette shows that Jin still had the urge to avoid relying on the dream pills.

As for their relationship, I don’t think Jin will attend Matthew’s exhibition, and it’s doubtful Matthew will go either. I think both of them will abandon the project Matthew in an attempt to find Jin and make things right and Jin either returning to his mafia job or getting kidnapped, possibly by the same guy who kidnapped him before. The story could go one of two ways: either they won’t get back together with Matthew’s fear being realized that once Jin leaves he won’t return, or one of them might die. I honestly find it hard to imagine them having a happy ending. Given the current situation it seems unlikely. While I hope for a happy ending because I’m a sucker for these types of endings. I doubt it will happen. This fight has caused a significant tear in their relationship that won’t be easy to fix. I’m excited to see where this manhwa goes and hope it doesn’t disappoint us.

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2024 1:58 am

    They both need help and to get their shit together. Cause they both tend to repeat the same things because of their past traumas. However I hope they get it together soo

Fifi September 1, 2024 7:06 am

yeah no after those unnecessary rape scenes im dropping this. Its not like I'm missing out on a lot since the story wasn't even good to begin with i just kept on reading because i liked the authors other works but this is most definitely just pure trash on paper, a disappointment to the authors other work

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