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natsuki_is_lost created a topic of Ajin

The villain and the mcs personality were really refreshing. Every fight scene were breath taking

Mr. Sato is a perfect sociopath villain . I hate it when authors try to make villains who do messed up stuff cz they don’t believe in doing good. And the reason these villains turn the way they are is cz something bad happened when they were young which made them lose hope in humanity. But sato does these messed up stuff cz he was always like this. Since he was a kid he found kick in killing small animals. It didn’t matter how much he hurt him self during fights he never bought him IBM. He only did it when he had no other option. The fights from "saving kei" to "last wave" was completely done by himself alone which shows how much he loves getting close to death. It's like a real life game to him. He solely did things because he didn’t want to get bored. And when he got bored he didn’t care if it was a revolutionary thing he was doing he left it unfinished. Which shows that really didn’t care how Ajins were treated by the government.

Keis character is perfectly described by his mother. He's rational but he's also sentimental towards the people who helped him. He also reminded me of Light from death note. How he plans things and can understand Satos next moves.

Another thing that I'm really impressed about is how mangaka didn’t make the anti ajin team some quirky weirdos. I hate how in the other stories they make this kind of special team psychos. I was prepared to see some corny people come and getting in the way of the main characters. But they were normal elite soldiers who did their job properly.

I liked the characters as much. Every one of them had a reason to be in the battle.
What made so happy was it didn’t have a revolutionary goal like "ajin vs human and who is in the right?". This story just solely focused on a riot, riots that happens a lot in normal world. It was just more impactful cz there was superpower involved. I also loved the way it ended.