Crispyyyy November 11, 2024 11:09 pm

This came out like maybe 2021, 2022, somewhere during the pandemic year. It was about the fl, she had red hair, not sure, but she became a tutor for the crown prince who was blind bc nobody else wanted too. As time goes on, the prince was starting to see the color red just a little.

This is all i could rememer. Sorry there's not much info.

Crispyyyy October 15, 2024 7:08 am

Please help me find this. Its a manhua where the ml is a ceo of a company and is like a germaphobe towards guys. I dont know how to descibe it, but anyways, the mc and the ml secretary told the mc that the only way to work there at the company is to dress up as a girl. And so the mc took the chance and did it. Later on, the ml would like slowly fall in love with the mc, never thinking about how it could possibly be a guy.
ML: white hair???
MC: orange hair, maybe blue eyes?

Crispyyyy July 17, 2024 11:55 am

I am looking for some heart clenching emotional manhwa that will make me feel sad. Even better if it can make me tear up. Any genre is fine.

Crispyyyy May 2, 2021 2:23 am

Plz help me. Ok so there is this girl (she a saintess i believed, we'll call her z) that teleported into a different world to save the world from disaster or from another saintess (she is like the mean selfish get all she want person, we'll call her b) and z work in a cafe and met this prince (dont know if he was a prince but we'll call him that) and now he always goes there for food and to read book. Then there was a um... where you have to fight monsters, z made the prince a barrier ball (something like that) for him to be safe and he was safe. He did got injured because b was stupid and acted like a little biss, but he was fine even thought he almost died. Oh and z and the prince fell in love. Thats all i could remember. Thank you.

Crispyyyy October 10, 2020 7:01 am

Does anyone know this manga. So, it had a high school teacher that was scared of students and there was this pink haired dude. Umm... they went out to eat during lunch break and bought hella food and the teacher ate it all bc of the pink haired dude wasn't hungry and the teacher got full and couldn't walk and then got sick during work.

Sorry if you guys don't understand. I'm really bad at explaining and this is all I could remember.

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