Seo-An has a fucking problem and doesn't make sense. He is an adult. 10 years later, he still thinks about MC and him when they were teens. He's having sex with him and he thinks about it... the way he looks at it... it seems like he longs for it. He blush at him like a teen boy.
But he is a complete selfish asshole. He is only focused on himself, doesn't wear a condom and refuses to listen when he finally has the opportunity to do it with him. It could have been a good moment for him to be better... But he once again falls deeper each chapter into the typical red flag we see everywhere.
His character doesn't make any sense.
Thank god MC slapped him. That line was fucking cringe (even IF it comes from a real regret because he could have had this with him when they were younger - and it would have been healthier I'm sure). He didn't even bother making MC feel good... It's always about himself. He deserves more than a slap in my opinion and I am scared of what he intends to do next.
Nothing he can do can help at this point except stopping or starting back from the beginning with MC consent and following his lead on what he's confortable with and what he enjoys... Focusing on MC pleasure instead of his own for once ffs!
But that would be way too good for Seo-An who am I kidding... He'll probably continue the abuse while thinking about their teenage exploration fondly... As if that's not weird at all