IncomeManagement created a topic of Monday'saviour

ngl i thought they were already dating (half the time im mindlessly reading), but i forgot we can't have good things...

this chapter was SO confusing... so ml was mad, then they "made up," then ml got mad AGAIN for whatever reason, looked like he was abt to beat mc's ass but they js start making out?? idk bro I'm soso lost atp

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

bro I need smth to comment on but nothing is updating anyway I came here to say that I'm unpacking from a trip and I'm so boredddd my entire bed is covered with clothes n shit and I gotta wake up at the ass crack of dawn ⛓ yall got any tips for me???

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

that kidnapper better get down on his knees and atone for his sins cuz taeju is NOT gonna let that shit slide

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

taeju gonna fuck that kidnapper up.

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

Honesty I hope the pregnancy is revealed later on so they have time to get closer
We want euihyun to keep the baby bc he wants to, not bc he feels obligated to


I was trying to explain to my friend what happened in the raws and it probably sounded like I was on crack... "so that angel guy broke into the building and when buff guy tried to fight him a big golden hole appeared in the ground and he started to get sucked in" ???

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

since the official is different from the fan translation it didn't originally show where euihyun said it felt good, so when i saw it my jaw dropped, a rubber band popped off my teeth and that shit went down my throat

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

this baby is boutta come out with a dent in its head if they don't slow tf down

IncomeManagement followed a goer
22 04,2024
IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

if I don't see any nesting it isn't gonna end well for anyone within a 13.96 mile radius.

This is diary of a twinky kid not diary of ugly ass middle aged man (he's so fucking hot don't play)

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

yall that fanart of them in them ducky pajamas or wtv is getting to me... if i don't see that happen before this is over i'm gonna kms /j

I dropped this a while back because it got a little boring to me, should I pick it back up?

IncomeManagement created a topic of Sketch

plssss I wanna get railed by yikyung

The empress can go choke on a dick for all I care but DAMN she's a hottie

u ever catch me calling someone's dick a peewee u can go ahead hand me a gun cuz I'm ending it all.

IncomeManagement created a topic of Waterside Night

"Make it go down...?"
"Even if I did, it'd come right back up"

IncomeManagement created a topic of Jinx

Honestly, I hope the grandma dies. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE HER SM, but if she does then kim dan doesn't need to pay for her hospital bills anymore, meaning he won't have to be involved with jaekyung and can js get a normal job. unfortunately we know that even if she dies that'll probably happen because kim and jk are meant to kiss kiss fall in love