can the uncle breed me GODDAMN HES SO FUCKING FINE I NEED HIM INSIDE ME also, is it just me or did they slim down yiyeon in these last two chapters? i think it’s his hair being down like that that’s making me think so tbh
leo, my sweet sweet angel - i love him so much, but he needs to calm down sometimes i know it’s his personality and everything, but projecting the proposal onto billboards and buildings at times square LEO BABY PLS NAUR
HELLO, I NEED MORE RN THEYRE SO PRECIOUS i wish they’d kept tomoya’s hair as black, though and he honestly looks so good with the shaggy black hair + glasses combo
sobbing my eyes out, MY BABIES MY SHAYLAS it’s wishful thinking, but i’d really hope haebeom and ho adopt yeonjoo, hes so precious and i’m so glad ho and haebeom have each other, they’re genuinely soulmates omg MY BABIES MY SWEETHEARTS
possessive mugo losing his shit over his man BOOMSHAKALAKA YES GAWD GIVE ME MORE