I've never met any Ivan haters so far, but ahem.... If you hate Ivan, you're a red flag. Ivan? Toxic? Maybe YOU are the toxic one. And moreover, they all grew up in a 'survival of the fittest' environment and were never taught any morals or emotions. HELL, IVAN LITERALLY LIVED IN A SLUM BEFORE HE GOT AUCTIONED OFF TO UNSHA. HE FELL IN LOVE WITH TIL......
the plot is something that I would find on Wattpad. The fl built so out of proportion and she looks like an alien just seeing her fucking face disgusts me. They have a 10 year age gap that low-key bothers me bc she looks at him and treats him as a child, but then she thinks of fucking him. She’s so weird and bland. The ml is a weirdo, obsessive a......
Alien Stage Ivan