... this bitch caused so much problem because of... SOMETHING THAT IS NOT EVEN RELATED TO UTOU WTF

Yea but Shiratori was willing to make Sumi happy. He was willimg to be a family. He did approached him because of Utou, but he didn’t really do anything wrong.
The omega is the stupid one. Becoming the prostitute at the job, even though he was bitching about the ex-prostitute. Then going through with the bond and regretting it, even though he kept telling the beta that he NEEDS a bond.

Utou is stupid too. How y’all gonna put the blame solely on Sumi. Even shiratori said that utou is to blame because he never acted sooner. He should have learned from what happened with kurusama, but he is definitely no victim in sumi and his relationship. Tho I do feel bad for him being hated on by shiratori

Utou knew he had feelings for sumi even prior to sumi confession that he loved him. He didn’t take the chance an express that he loved him too. There were miscommunications, mostly on utous end. Like he went behind sumis back and found out about his past, didn’t tell him and was giving mixed signals. Sumi only said once that he wanted an alpha in chapter 1, and a second time after he wanted utou to help but didn’t. So utou should have learned from his past like ummm if I like someone and they like me, don’t fucking wait. Both are of them are at fault. Don’t be treating utou like a victim when he clearly isn’t

I didn’t say Utou is a victim, I said Sumi is stupid. I won’t call him a victim, because as you said, he didn’t confess, so it’s his problem if it didn’t work out. But it doesn’t change the fact Sumi was a stupid character.
Also, the uke from 1st story never liked Utou, and i’m pretty sure Utou knew there was no chance with him. So there was nothing to learn from his past.

My problem with sumi is because I don't understand why he decided to be pair with shiratori just because he thought that utou didn't like him when he didn't like shiratori...it's like he gave up his entire life, happiness , future just because a person wasn't in love with him plus he didn't confess clearly before that, he was completely jealous of the first omega and just copied him in impulse... that why i think the big problem started because oh him...But that my analysis i know

Nahhh. Everything started with utou, even from chapter one. He is the cause of majority of misunderstanding. He is the one who “forcibly” helped sumi first, went behind sumis back and found out about his past when they weren’t even in a relationship nor had a friendship, when sumi asked for help utou basically said nooo. So that misunderstanding caused sumi to believe that utou didn’t like him and he didn’t want to burden him. But he still went out of the way to confess to him. Like utou did give him mixed signals and there wasn’t a miscommunication from both ends. But to say that sumi started this is a major eye roll!!!

Yep if u tell it like that I understand yr point of view...But i think sumi did it in impulse and because he was jealous of utou's relationship with the first omega (like he sees me as replacement)...and because of that he just throw himself like that I can't stand it... But yep sumi heat usue would still be there anyway....I understand

Sumi now have a short time to live... But Utou ask him to make a family and have two kids
Theres the spoiler.

Okay I’m rarely ever this confused... like I don’t understand sumi’s chain of thoughts

Sumi is a tsundere to begin with and he also has trauma bcs his one and only friend betray him in highschool , and the cause is him being an omega, his pheromones, if only he isn't an omega his life will be much easier. Handling heat is such pain for him, and he needs special suppressants bcs the normal one doesn't work on him. And when he accepted kindness from Utou he saved, and fell in love with his warmth, affection. But then again, he realise Utou isn't an alpha, so even if they're together Sumi will be a burden, since their relationship start with heat reliever, and Sumi misunderstood if Utou sees him as replacement to fullfil what he regretted not doing it for the previous omega. Thats why Sumi want Utou to sees him as Sumi, confessed his feelings yet again, another misunderstanding happened, Utou said sorry, and Sumi took it as rejection.
"If I don't get Utou in trouble every my heat, what if i can ditch my omega self aside, and be with him as person" probably Sumi thinks like that.
So when he get back to Utou right after bitten by shiratori, he said "please don't dissapointed" and beg Utou he'll get better and not bother him. But what he done is A MISTAKE to my eyes. If hes not over sensitive and over thinking, also having a better convo with utou, without any drama, things will turn out good.
This is only my POV :")