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A Certain G.I.R.L. May 10, 2018 5:51 am

Hi everyone! Been using the site since ages ago and finally decided to make an account! ^^)/

So, I know one series or another that has a missing chapter or that has a chapter with missing pages or has duplicate chapters, how do I report that? It would be nice to have those issues fixed, since I usually end up needing to go to another site to read a series when it has problems, and I absolutely love mangago's reader more than any other! >.<

Thanks in advance!

    Clumsz May 10, 2018 6:04 am

    There's a little flag hanging on every manga page on the left side. Click on it. There'd be a few options like report and stuff. Write about the problem. Send. And you're done.

    A Certain G.I.R.L. May 10, 2018 11:56 am
    There's a little flag hanging on every manga page on the left side. Click on it. There'd be a few options like report and stuff. Write about the problem. Send. And you're done. Clumsz

    Thank you! This was exactly what I was searching for!

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