As a person who knows what's gonna happen in the next 4 chpts.
It's hilarious to read all your guys comments
Definitely brightens my days

I won't spoil too much but I'll only spoil the parts with Dongsik
No one believes Dongsik about what he said but Cirrus caught wind of Dongsik trying to ruin his reputation. So Cirrus privately talks to him and warns him not to mess with him anymore. Angered by Cirrus and wanting revenge he follows/stalks Cirrus around to get proof that Skylar and Cirrus are dating. Since Skylar has been grounded and exams are coming around, they haven't been hanging out as much. Frustrated by this, Dongsik looks for other ways to ruin Cirrus. Then had an idea to involve Chanil. It hasn't been revealed what it is yet. :>
The officials are getting to the point like when the raws were getting uploaded and people were beginning to slander the boys and the story. I just want remind everyone to be patient with the uploads and don't come to sudden conclusion. We all know and writing style has always surprised us and made us second guess. Just be patient!!! This masterpiece is still cooking (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
The Raws are already ahead by 3 chapters and it is ALL GOING TO BE FINE! No idea what u see when u say “people beginning ti slander the boys” wtf
Oh sorry I meant like when raw chpts were originally getting posted some people were quick to doubt Skylar or Cirrus, saying kinds of things about them, the story and the author, and I'm seeing a whole repeat all over again with the official translations being uploaded
Those must be people who didn’t actually read the story which is a whole different matter and lack reading comprehension skills. Because it’s very simple to be understood and both the boys will be clearing things aka talk in ch 116. So there’s nothing wrong with the flow of the story or the characters. Everything is actually very organic