I don't know what's up with anime, but having a brother and sister fall in love with each other is so icky. I don't care if the girl is adopted, it's it's wrong and I'm so glad the author called that out. Like the guy was like, "...dad you can't adopt this girl because she's my girlfriend and also I can't date my adopted sister!" Even in this magical world, there is a limit. A brother and an adopted sister ending up smashing is all kinds of wrong to me and I'm so glad they didn't go that route. Of course the girl is hurt because she's clueless and of course the dad is derp because he's clueless. The only one that makes sense is his son.
The whole happiness ending being tainted and showered for me because the only thing I kept thinking, is what's going to happen to that little baby boy who was innocent and was being raised by toxic family. He didn't do anything wrong and yet he's going to be punished worse than anyone else, and the Injustice made me feel bad for him. So I'm supposed to be happy for everyone else while ignoring or forgetting the fact that it's all on the shoulders of a tiny little child that hadn't done anything to anyone else? Just because of what his mother did and his father's a piece of crud? I couldn't be happy for any of them and it just seems too mean
Also the least we can do is just rate the manhwa and point out which part they lack of.. also.. need to remind this site is illegal.. if you ever wanna go to author asking for certain stuff or anything.. just make sure not to mention you read illegally or showing them where u illegally read too.. just be careful btw.. even if we regret reading some stuff here need to remind, we read illegally.. so don't make too much fuss until the sites we always used to read illegally gone :") I'm just reminding. I've been using this site for years so I really don't want this site to suddenly gone because of someone's mistake.
Oh my God that outfit was so cute. I want to just have a doll of them. I would love a little doll of her and her little cute outfits. Are there dolls of these people? I would have collect all of the family. They're too adorable! Also I can't wait to see the mermaids
Oh my gosh yes. I want the whole entire collection. I want blanche, of course I have to have the emperor and empress, because oh my gosh so cute but I also want the bunny doll collection. That was so cute. I want all the different outfits too. They got to make this into a bigger thing. They are too adorable
So what do you think of the story so far? Okay so I think that she's a little too op but I love female interaction and connection. It's like, you have these women connecting and developing a relationship and they talk about something else than just the relationships are in or just about men. If there was the beckler's test, this would totally pass it. You have more than one or two females having more than one conversation and not all of them is 100% about the man. Although this one is about revenge and the prince, they have talked about other things like what's going on with dimensions and dragons and demons and so forth, so that's actually really cool. I love love a supporting husband who is not intimidated or overbearing on his wife. He doesn't act like his wife is super weak, and respects her cleverness. This is such a positive relationship. I want more of this. Oh the title mess with you? Well yes I am Romancing him and I'm going to good route and it's not easy because his approval is usually on things that I'm a little against and everyone else is just way too thirsty for me and I'm like, dude, I'm not feeling this dude. I'm only going for the pale elf
So this is a story of a dude that was in love with his grandmother? How old is the emperor? Like dude, was that his dad that was crying over the casket? Cuz I never saw him drinking. I don't know man. So he was in love with the grandmother and then he ruined the East and the grandparents died and left his dad alone? Then his dad started drinking and became an a******?
So where did she go? I mean like come on you sound like she really didn't want to go back, so where is she from? Kentucky?